The Gofjel of theperpetual Types. x67 fo I have lent him to the Lord a long a,s he liveth. Sometimes it is ufed for duration to the endof the OldTeftament-13ifpenfation: For all the Land which thou Pell, to thee will I give it, and to thy Seed for ever, Gen. 13.15: The Landgiven to thy Seed for ever : Which cannot be interpreted concerning an unlimited Eternity, unlefs they will fay, that God hath broke his Promife : For they have been Eje&ed and caft forth of that Land there feventeen hundred Years, i Kings 8. 13. I havefurely built thee an Houfe to dwell in, a fettledPlace for thee to abide in for ever, Pfal. 132. 14. This is my Refi for ever, here will 1dwell, for I have deftred it. He doth not dwell, nor manifeft his Prefence there now : But God bath given them up to invincible Perverfnefs and Darknefs, and preju- dice in this Particular. 2. There be manifeft Intimations in the Old Teftament, that there Ceremonial Laws were not to continue always, but toceafe and be aboli(h- ed in the fulnefs of Time, Jet. 3. 16. They (hall fay no more the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, Jer. 31. 31, 32, 33. Not according to the Covenant that I made with their Fathers, but this fhall be the Covenant, Iwill put racy Law in their inward Parts, and write it in their Hearts, &c. But fo much for the Explication of this Diftinalon of the Types,, into Occafsonal and Perpetual. You fee the true Senfe and meaning of it, and what clear Scripture- Ground there is for it. There Perpetual Types or Everlafting Statutes, are noother but that which we call the Law of Mofes, or the Ceremonial Law, whereof this Text fpeaks, and lays down this Propofition. Doll. That the Law bath a (hadow of future good Things, but not the very Image of the Things themfeives. The fame Thing is aflèrted and held forth, tho' inother Words, but to the fame Scope and Senfe, in other Scriptures. As Rom. io. 4. Chris is the end of the Lawfor Righ- teoufnefs, to every one that believeth, John I. 17. The Law carne by Mofes, that is, the Law as oppofed to Grace andTruth : but Grace and Truth by Yefus Christ. Truth here is not oppofed to Falfhood, for Mofes fpake no lies ; but to Shadows and fhadowy Promifes : And fo the Truthof them is the Performance or Accornplifhment of them, in Oppo- fition to the bare Shadow and Typical Noma of them. And this is called Grace, becaufe there is fo much of that in the Gofpel, and fo little of it (but on the contrary much of Rigor and Terror) in. the Law of Mofes. So the Senfe amounts to thus much : That Mofs de- livered Law, that is, Shadows and Ceremonies, which were but legal, and dark and rigorous : But Chriff brought in Grace and Truth, that is, the real and fweet Accomplifhment and Performance, of all the good,. that Mofes had psomifed in that dark and low and legal way, which, is