A TA 13L F, &c: I'eecjiz y <3 1^4cceflity, 241 359 360 Nethinirrs, 379 5 3 3 Neru,,Moons, 441 Nezv- Teíament contains much Law, 8 -- Explains the Old, 401 Ninevites Repentance, 114 Noah hisDifpenfation, 26 A Type, 68 71 His Ark the beginning of Shipping, 27 His Sacrifice a Type, 73 76 And thole with him the,Church, 395 North fide of the Altar, 199 277 Novation Error refuted, 324 O OAth, to doan unlawful thing, 26o Obedience the hitheft Infiance of it, 82 Shouldbe more under the Gofpel than Law, 226 Offerings, what, 185 ewifb and ours differenc'd, i85 Vide Sacrifices. Officers in the Church, who they be, and by whom appointed, 440 483 484 Of the Temple, 17 Old-Teltament, why fo called, 7 Difpenfation, its Differences from the New, 8 Contains much Gofpel, 8 Clofed by Malachi, 43 One only Way of Salvation, 8 45 93 Open, uncovered Laver, what, 382 Oracles-of the Heathen, 331 Oral, Tradition, 22 34 35 Orders or Ranks of Men Typical, 117 Among Papifts, i25 Ordinances Typed, 136 150 370 381 396 42o Of the Gofpel, what, 3o5 Ordinances mull be Sprinkled, 201 456 523 Should be Publick, 136 --Not tobe refred in, 183 Outer Court to be leftout, 342 357 Oxen lignifie Minifters, 381 Oil in Offerings, 212 321 ..--In Cleaning, 321 In Confecrations, 367 522 --- Signified the Holy Spirit, 212 321 370 Not in fome Offerings, and why, 213 I' Pill or Pallium, 504 Parables a double ufe of them, 9 -dace Argumentative, 63 Paradicea Type, 66 Partition-Wall, 174 283 357 Parts of Worlhip, J3o 36a PafcalLambaType, 54417' -Was a Sacrifice, 229 273 Pafbver, Vide Feafts. Patriarchs, three of 'em propagated Religion 2000Years, 35 Peace -Offering, 226 273 525 Peace of the Church made a pretence, 279 True and falle diftinguiíhed, 79 i08. Penitent, if to be Excommunicated, 301 To be re-admitted, 324, Pentecoff, Vide Feafts. Perjury, 265 Perfecution cenfured, 82 208 239 266 Perfonal Types, 63 Pharaoh a Type, 57 Pillar ofCloud and Fire, 38 59 100 1i7 Of Brais in the Temple, 359 338 Plate of Gold, 515 Points Hebrew, 42 Pomegranates, what, 503 Pool of Berhefda aType, i 5 o Popery,28 49 »125 156 162 191 204 243 248 250 277 279 286 322 323 326 332 345 354 369 384 393 4o6 415 441 449457 516 518 530 Porch or5 510 Tower of the Temple, 349 350 361 353 Pouring out the Blood, 200 254 Prayer accepted only in Chrift, 253.403 404 457 And Thankfgiving with all Offerings, Typed by the Incenfe, 253 403 Should accompany Preaching, 397 404 What is Right, 403 404 453 454 Should be Morning -and Evening, 404. Anfwered by TerribleProvidences, 253 404. Preachingmuft be every Lords -day, 396 Preface of God, 136 198 329 333 338 343 Prefumption, 673 ,---Shut out byRepentance, 270 Prieffs, and Legal PriefihQod, 491 Derivation of the Word, 493 Twenty Four Courtes of them, 428 429 --Wee Types, 57 123 1.71 How , Gofpel. Minifters are Priefts, 171 493 How not, 171 372 493 All Believers are fo, 397 493 526 How the differed from the Hi h-Prieff, 529 .Did