Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

I 3 _.__.... T H E GOSPEL OF CIRCUMC I S I®N. Ads,V I I.8. otiob. 3o. 2666. And hegave him the Covenant of Circumcifión, and fo Abraham. begat Ifaac, and circumcifed him the eighth Day : And Ifaac. begat Jacob, andJacob begat the twelve Patriarchs. TH I S excellent. Sermonand Apology ofStephen, the firfh" Martyr of the New Teftament ; the Scope of it, is to_ fhew them the variety of God's Difpenfations towards his People, together with the various Rebellions and Oppofitions of the Sons of Men againít him, and fo to convince them that the Scope and Tendency of them all was to lead to Jefas Chrift : And that as former Difpenfations had been defpifed, fo . was this, which was the Glory of all the rat. He goes over the Hi- ftory of the Church, from Abraham's Time to the time of Chrift, in fundry molt eminent and principal Difpenfations of God towards his Church. In this Verfe he is fpeaking of the Difpenfation of God to. Abraham. He had (hewed before how he had called Abrabag.t out of his own Country, how he had protnifed him a Poil'eflion, the Land of Canaan;