176 The.Gofpeif Cir°cumcifron. the Body, the Wine the Blood of'Chrift : So Circumcifion is the Cove- nant of .it. But what Covenant is it that Circumcifion loth relate to ? This is the great Queflion. You know there be Two Covenants, that of Works, and that of Grace. ' Now Circumcifion was not the Covenant of Works ; but the Cove- nant of Grace. That it was not a Covenant of Works ; take thefe five Confidera- tions to make good that Ground, before we proceed any further ; for if it be the Covenant of Works, it cuts off all that is to be faid, as to the Spirit and Myftery of this Ordinance : All that you will hear afterwards, will be things belonging to the Covenant of Grace ; there- fore let us prove, that it is not the Covenant of Works that Circum- cifion Both relate to. Argum. i. Jefus Chrift is not the Covenant of Works But Chrtll: is the Covenant of Circumcifion ; and therefore it is not Works, but Grace. He is fo called in Ifa. 49. 8. I will give thee for a' Covenant to the People. Now Chrift was in Circumcifion, he was the Minifter of Circumcifion, he is the Seed which Circumcifion relates to, I will be the Godof thy Seed. This Seed is Chrift, Gal. 3. i6. Now to Abraham and his Seed were the Promifes made. He faith not, and to Seeds, as of many ; but as of one, and to thy Seed, which is Chrift. Chrift is the Sum and Subftance of the Covenant of Grace : Now this was the Covenant which God made withAbraham, and fealed in Circumcifion, that he would give him a Seed, which Seed is Chrift. 2. The Gofpel is Grace and not Works : But the Covenant of A- braham was the Gofpel ; and therefore it is Grace, not Works. It is the Apoftle's Expreílion that the Gofpel was preached to Abraham, Gal. 3. 8. The Scripture foreseeing that God would juflify the Heathen through Faith, preached the Gofpel before to Abraham. There is no Gofpel of Works; for Works is Law, and bad Tidings : If it be the Gofpel, it is the Covenant ofGrace. 3. If it was a Covenant of Works, it will follow, that Abraham and all the Old Teftament- Saints either were not faved,' or elfewere raved without Chrift, neitherof which can be admitted. The truth is, if it were Works, it will follow, they were all damned, for by Works ¡hall no Flefh be juflified and Paved. If they were faved, and yet by Works, they were faved without Chrift, but without Chrift there is no Salvation. ` In bim, in this Seed ¡hall all the Nations of the World bf bleffed, that is, by jefus Chrift No Biefl ng and Salvation Without him;