Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

t8o The Gofpel ofCircumcifion, there thould be a Church of his own natural Seed, and that them Ihould be Saints of his natural Seed, but that the Gentiles thould be ingrafted into his Covenant, and fa become his Seed. Thou being a wild Olive Tree wert grafted in among them, and partakeft of the Root and Fat- nefs ef the Olive Tree. God did above and beyond the ordinaryCourfe of Things, ingraft the. Gentiles into that Covenant that he had once made with Abraham. And thus you fee what the Seed is which the Lord did promife in the Covenant, whereof Circamcilion was theSea'. He did promife to give to Abraham that Seed, firftly and chiefly, who was the San of God ; and a Church-Seed ; and a believing Seed ; and not only aSeed of the Nation of the 7ews, but a Seed ingrafted into that Grace and Covenant from among the Gentiles. So we have gone through two Branches of the Covenant : The third is this. 3. That God would givean Inheritance to Abraham and his Seed. This was the third part of God's Covenant with him. It is thegreaten de- lire in Nature to have Children, and it is a good delire, it is of God. And what do Parents delire next ? A comfortable Inheritance for them : And this did the Lord promife to Abraham. And:in that Text which bath been fo often alledged, God 15rn promifes to make him exceeding Fruitful ; and then, I will give to thee and thy Seed after thee; the Land wherein thou art yet a Stranger. The Lord promifed an In- heritance, and that Inheritancewas theLand of Canaan. Now the Qiet ion is, whether this,was.a temporal.orr firitual.Inhe- ritance ? ©oubtlefs the Lord did not promife to Abraham Canaan meetly as a.. temporal Inheritance, but as a fpiritual Inheritance. Canaan was not as other Lands are, a meer outward Thing ; but it was a typical Land, it was the Land of Emmanuel, it is the Land of Glory. Canaan was, a Type of Heaven, and in that refpea they did fo earnienly prize it, and look upon it as being Heaven in an earthly Shadow, therefore faeob and fofeph, mull needs be buried there. :. Therefore the.Apoftle affüres . us, they did feek a better Country, they profef ed themfelves Stran- gers and Pilgrims hereupon Earth; They that fay fuck `Things declare Mainly they Fick another Country which: is an Heavenly one ;.. wherefore. God is not afhamed to be called their God. It is a, heavenly City, whole Bei3{ der and Maker is God.:: So that under that Shadow the Lord did pro- ruile, Heaven to Abraham. And thiswas the third :part of this Cove- nant. This Land of Canaan is called the Mountain .of Holinefs,. What ìix;ptellion can be higher ? Dan. i r, arzd therefore: the. Saints did look,.,at, to another Countryt You