A TABLE,& --Did Typically beat Sin, 256 528 None Anointed , but the High Priems, 247 The High Prieft aboveall the Cour- les, 428 Continued during Life, 429 Qualifications and Obfervancesi494 Work, 527 Their Office never Vacant, 123 ._-- - -Their Garments, Vide Garments. k'romiTe to .Adam, 22 Prophets and Preachers before the Flood, 25 Were Types, 123 Pulpit, 360 Purgatory, 204 472 Purifications, 17o 306 Purim, 440 469 Pyramids, 155 Q s 140 Quakers, 266 R RAinbow, 27 77 A Sign of the Covenant of Grace, 27 73 77 376 Raptures and Ravifhments, 33 Rebellion condemned, 38 4o Red, what that Colour lignifies, 307 Red-Sea, why fo called, 157 And Paffage thro' it Typical, 157 Reformation from Popery, 162 323 Regeneration, what, 3 Repentance excludes Prefumption, 270 421 Signs of its not being right, 30s Whether it may flay Excommunica- tion ? 301 Reproach of Chrift to heBorn, 255 309 kefervednefs blamed, 292 Reflitution neceffary, 262 264 Revelations extraordinary, Q if ceafed ? 20 DifFerenced from Delufions, 18 Of Iobn, fomewhat Opened, 118 r ? i3 375 Robe of the 132 133 ó Rock a Type, 542 Rome devoted to Defiruaion, 502 162 25o 251 ------All who help her, Cuffed 102 162 Several Types of her 161 Rood, and Rood -loft, 354 Roof of the Temple, 348 453 SAbbath before Mofes's time, 141 445, Not to be every Day, 433 How Moral, how Typical, 66 t24 444 460 Chritlian, 175 445 461 462 MoD, and Duty on that Day, 446 Three Sorts of Sabbaths, 444 Sacraments not to be made by the Church, 13 Or Signs of Spiritual Thingsalways given by God, 23 5262 Are Vilible Promifès, 55 Of the O.T. Types of ours, 56 How they differed from outs, 181 Not to be carried to the Sick, 415 Sacrifices, 170 184 332 271 Not from the Light of Nature, but inftitured, 23 189 Mutt be brought to the Temple, £7c. t90 197 213 330 331 334. Their Their Nature, ends, t5c. 184 Holy, and mofl Holy, ,86 123 133 274 277 t Small, why appointed, 205 322 Divers Difiributions of them, 184 185 186 192 211 272 Rules Rules about them, 189 Ceffation fbadowed, 426 Salt ufed in Sacrifices, 190 203 253 Samaritans, and Samaritan- Chritiairs, ,6o Samfon a TYPe, 54 91 103 Samuel a Type, 116 Sanflification follows Jollification, 321 Shadow'd forth by Nalarires, I21 Specially held forth by the Meat- Offering, 217 228 Sanftuary, 351 Satan, Delivering a Perfon to him, what 296 SarisfaEEtion Neccffary, 187 193 208 231 311 312 454 455 Saul a Type of Judas, to7 Scaffold of Brafs, 359 Scape Goat, 315 455 457 Scarlet, 350 Scripture the belt Interpreter, 6, 257 344 356 Excels Oral Tradition, 34 35 Sea under the Curfe as well as Earth, 72 Seaand Lavers in the Temple, 375 388 Of Glafs, 375 383 Seed promifed to Abraham, what 35 178 e Separatic