184 The Gofpel of the Sacrifices. Heart. SoGod will Panifh the Baptifed with the Unbaptifed together. For many People are unbaptifed in the Flefh, and many of the Houfe of Ifrael, many profeffing Chriftians are not Baptifed in Heart. They have the Circumcifion, tut not the Covenant ofCireumcifion ; they have the Water, but not the Spirit of Baptifm. Therefore take heed of feparating the outward part from the inward part of the Ordinan>e, do not reft in the external Priviledge, but look after the Siprit and Biding of every Ordinance ; get God to wafh thy Heart, and the Heart of thy Seed. 'Tis not enough to have thy Body wathed, if thy Heart andSoul be not wafhed from itsFilth. THE GOSPEL of the SACRIPICES. gene z4. i668. Levit. 7. 37, 39. Táis is the Law ofthe Burnt-offering, of the Meat-offering, and ofthe Sin- offering, and ofthe Trefpafoffering, and ofthe Confecrations, andofIke Sacrifice ofthe Peace-offerings, &c. TH E Perpetual Statutes of thetaw of Ceremonies, have been re- (erred to Five general Heads. 1. The initiatingSeal of Circumcifion. . The legal Offerings andSacrifices and Purifiçations. 3. The Temple. 4.. ThePriefthood. 5. The Feftivals. Of the initiating Seal of thofe Times, wehave formerly fpoken from Ails. 7.8. That which next follows in the Method propounded, is the Legal Offerings, Concerning which, the Text lays down Two Affertions or Points of Doarine. r. That there was a Divine Inhibition, andCommand of God for the Offeringt and Sacrifices which were under the Law. 2. That there were fix kinds or forts of Propitiatory Sacrifices under the Law, viz. the Burnt-offering, the Meat-offering, the Peace-offering, the