The Gofpel ofSacrifices. r85 the Sin - offering, the Trefpafs-offering, and the Offering of Confecra- tion. This is the Scope of verf. 37. The former Do&rine is the Scope of verf. 38. but that which is laft mentioned in the Words of theText, is firft in Order of Confideration. Doa. I. That there was a Divine Inftit::tion and Command ofGod, for the Offerings and Sacrifices wbich were under the Law. The Text indede fpeaks properly ofpropitiatory Sacrifices ; but there is a general Truth in the Propofition concerning all their Sacrifices, and all the forts and kinds of them. This Book of Leviticus begins thus, Andhe called, Vai- kra ; that is, the Lord called by an audible Voice from his dwelling Place, the Throne of his Glory, which was upon the Mercy Seat be- tween the Cherubim:, as he had promifed Exod. 25. 22- fee Nxmb. 7. 89. It is true, it is faid fer. 7.22. concerning Burnt- Offerings or Sa- crifices, that Godcommanded them not, &c. But the Senfe and Meaning is comparative, tho' the Grammar of the Words found as if it were Negative. It cannot be explained better than the Old Note hath done it ; íhewing, that it was not his chief Intent and Purpofe, that they fhould offer Sacrifices, but that they fhould regard wherefore they were Ordained, to wit, to be joined to the Word as Seals and Confirt mations of Remillion of Sins in atria ; for without the Word, they were Vain and Unprofitable. To open this Doarine a little to you, we muff firft Confider what a Sacrifice or an Offering is. Now an Offering in general, is any thing prefenped to the Lord to become peculiary his, and to be typical of Chrift and Gofpel Myfteries. The for- mer part of the Defcription extends to Anti- typical Offerings , as well as typical ; toGofpel, as well as Legal Offerings : For our Souls and Bodies and all our Services are offered and prefented to the Lord, but not as Typesand Shadows of another Gofpel ; but they becomehis in a fpiritual and peculiar Propriety, as theirs of Old did. Their Offerings by being offered became the Lords,they prefenting,and the Lord accept- ing them : Therefore they are calledHoly,asbeing feparated to the Lord, feparated and fet apart from common Ufe toHoly Ufe. Hence they are called Gifts, Qjorbanim, as being given to the Lord : â `uarab, appro- pinguavit : So in the Text, their Oblations or their Corbans, fee Mark. 7. I I . All this holds true of Gofpel- Offerings under the New Teftament : But the Legal Offerings were fet apart for God, with refpefit to Chrift and his great Sacrifice and Offering of bimfelfup unto God for us : They all had fome Relation to this, either as to the thing it felf, or the Bleffed .Effefts and Fruits of it. B b Some