Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

186 The Gofpel of Sacrifices. Some have diftinguifhed them into three'Sorts. :. Such to were offered at the Brazen Altar, or the Altar of Burnt- Offering ; which reprefentedthe Death and Sufferings of Jefus Chrift. 2. Such as were offered in the Sanftuary, more near tothe Holy of Holies, viz. the Shew- bread, and the Incenfe at the Altar of In- cenfe ; which had refpeh to his Intercefflon for us at the Throne of Grace, in the Virtue, and by the Merit of that Sacrifice, which he be- fore had Ihed and offered up to the Juftice of God for us. 3, Such as were offered in the Holy of Holies, where the High Prieft came upon Tome extraordinary and fpecial Occalons ; which did re- prefent the full Attainment of the Ends ofboth the former ; namely, our full Accefs unto, and Communion with God through the Influence both of the Death and Oblation, as likewife of the Prayers and Inter- ee¡fron of our Lord Jefus Chrift for us. The two latter of thefe we (hall fpeak unto, when we corne to thofe Parts of the Temple where thefe Services were to be performed But the firfl fort, viz. the Sacrifices and Offerings at the Brazen Altar we are now to fpeak unto. Thefe Sacrifices that were offered at the Brazen Altar, are com- monly diftributed into two Sorts: Propitiatory, and E<,charifiical ; and:7ixa` & itrktp's7rxx, or Sacrifices of Expiation, and Sacrifices of Thank(giving, Pfal, 107. 22. It is the firmer fort whereof the Text fpeaks, and they are here called Corbans, a Term which (as fome affirm ) is ufually appropria- ted to this fort of OWééings, though the notation and original Signification of it be more General. For the opening whereof unto you.. t. I fhall give you a fhort Defcription of them. 2. Annex force- additional.Rules for thefurther Enlightning and Illuflration of them. Y. You may fee the nature of them in this fhort Defcription : Theree: propitiatory Sacrifices were Holy of Holineffes, or Offerings inoff holy to the Lord ;: for atonement, orfor the appealing ofhis Wrath ; by the defirue ion of the Sacrifice ; to (hadow forth the true atonement and expiation of Sin, by the Death of fetus, and. our Reconciliation to andCommunion with God . tbrorgb him. -h That they were Holy of F1ofineffes, or Offerings- mofle Holy. to the Lord -: It is the Phrafe which the Scripture ufeth concerning them, Lev. 2. 3, ro. So are called in the Ladv.thofe facred things, which ought not to be touched, and thofe Meats whereof none were to-eat,,, t: only the. confecrated Priefts in the holy place, near the Altar, Deodat;_