Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpcl ofSacrifices. 187 Deodat. în loc. quodefh quodefhim : only there is force limitation about the Peace- Offerings, ofwhich afterward. It is a diftin&ion that doth occur in. Lev. 21 22. He (hall eat the bread of his God, both of the molt holy, and ofthe holy, The old Note is this, the moll Holy, as of theSacrifice for Sin : the Holy, as of the Tenths and Firft Fruits. Deodat. thus, [ moft Holy] as were the Shew-Bread, the Meat-Of- ferings, the parts of Sin -Offerings, and Trefpafs - Offerings. [ Holy] fuch as were the Firft Fruits, Tithes and Offerings of Thankfgiving. By Holy of Holineffes, is meant molt Holy; that Language elegant- ly expreffing the fuperlative Degree by fuch a Reduplication : As King of Kings , Song of Songs , Heaven of Heavens , that is , the molt excellent in their Kind : So Holy of Holies, that is, moft Holy. The other fort are but Holy, or Holinefs of Praifes, quodefh hillulim As the Phrafe is in Lev. 19. 24.. Te (hall count the Fruit thereof as uncir- cumcifed three Tears, but in the fourth Tear ali the Fruit thereof 'hall be Holinefs of Praifes to the Lord. The ground of this Double Degree of Holinefs feems to be chiefly this : The more immediate and dire& Relation they had to the Per.. fon, Aaions and Sufferings of the Mef]iah, the more Holy thefe Legal Things of old were : Therefore thefe Sacrifices of Expiation, rela- tingdirealy to the great Work of our Redemption and Reconcilia- tion unto God by the Deathof his Son, they were Holy of Holineffes unto the Lord. 2. The End of them was Atonement of their Sins, or appealing the of- fended Yuftice of God. Hence they are faid to have a 'meet Smell, Lev. 'i. 9. Gen. 8.21. This is the Phrafe, Lev. 1.4...Lecapper, to make A- tonement, applied to Chrift, Rom. 3.25. r yobn 2 2. and it is a Phrafe often ufed. Hence arifeth the Diftintlion of Sacrifices ; From their Ends and Vfes ; fame being for Atonement, as thefe whereof we now fpeak : And others for Thankfgiving, of which fomething may be fpokenhereafter if the Lord will. God is angry with Sinners, Juftice is provoked and burns like Fire : Therefore force Satisfaltion muff be made, that Juftice may be fatisfied, and God atoned and reconciled to the Sinner. 3. This Atonement was made by the Death or Deftrueiion of the Sacrifice : This is the Nature of all Propitiatory Sacrifices, nothing can atone God,, nothing can appeafe offended Juftice, but Death and Deltruaion. The Sacrifice must be deftroyed, either in whole, or in B b 2 part;