Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

x88 The Gofpel of Sacrifices. part ; and this was done by Fire. Hence they are called Fire-OfLr- ings, or Offerings made by Fire : tpw?N. Ignitions, Fireings :.Obla do ignita. And if they were living Creatures, they mutt be (lain and killed : Hence called Zebacbim; in Greek Ovoid, as. much as to fay, a, flaughtered Offering ; in which Senfe Zebach is contradiftinguifhed unto Mincha, the former being of living. Creatures, the latter of Meat and Drink; both there was a Defiriselion of the Thing Sacrificed; either, by Fire, if it were ofInanimate Things ; or if it were a living Creature, both by Blood and Fire. q. The End and Defign of all this was to prefigure and reprefent the Death ofYefics Chrift, and our Reconciliation unto God thereby ; For the Law had threatned Death for Sin,, and the Blood of Bulls and Goats could not take away Sin, Heb. r o. Some ofthevery Pagans have.had fomuch glimmerings - of Light, as to fubfcribe to the Truth of this : And thence Satan triumphing over the fallen Sons of Men, and abufing and perverting their Convi&ions, feduced them in the diftrefs and 'horror of. their Confciences, even to Sacrifice Men to appeafe their angryGods; wherein they acedupon this Principle, Q od pro vita hominis nits vita hominis reddatur, non pole aliter: Deorum immortalium numen placari arbitrantur, as Cefar de Bell. Gal. lib. 6. reports of the ancient Druids ; they thought that unlefs the Life of Man were facrificed for his Life, the Deity of the immortal Gods could not otherwife be appeared, Vid. Lee Temple pay. 332. Homer alfo ibid. wherein the , old Pagans had more Light, than the .Apoftate yews have at this Day. Chrift therefore is called a Sacrifice Epbcf. 5. 2. i Cor. 5. 7. Chriîf our Pafchal Lamb is facrificed for us. And as they refer direaly unto ChriFl himfelf : So the Scripture teacheth us to apply them, in a lower way, to the Saints . alfo, whofe Souls and Bodies and Services are living Sacrifices, acceptable unto. God through Jefus Chrift, Rom. 12. t... ¡eb. r 3... with . fuch Sacrifices God is well-gleafed: The Sacrifice Chrift doth placare Deum, appeafe an incenfed God: Our Sacrifices-, do but p.lacere Dee, pleafe au appeared God. Thus .you fee the,Defcription made good in there Four, Things put together,. wherein you fee the Nature of thefe Legal Offerings and Sacrifices, that they were Holy of Holineffes, or Offerings moft Holy to the Lord, for Atonement, or for the appealing of his Wrath by the,DeftruEion of the Sacrifice, to fhadow forth the true Atonement and Expiation of Sin, by the Death of Jefus Chrift And fo much fpr the. Natureof them ; which was the firfi Enquiry, 2, For