Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

-go The Gofpel of Sacrifices. of were required, and tome feverely forbidden to be added to them, all which were myflical and fignificant. It may be truly faid of them which hath been falfly boafted concerning Humane Ceremonies, that they be neither dark nor dumb, but myftical and fignificanr, and fit to ftir up the dull Mind of Man to the remembrance of his Duty towards God, by force fpecial and notable Signification, whereby he may be edifi- ed. They had their fpiritual Significations by God's Intendment and Appointment, (as indeed it is God's Prerogative to appoint myftical and fignificant Ceremonies in his Woríhip.) That they had fo, will appear in the Particulars, both ex natura rei, from the very nature of the Thing it felf, and by conference of fundry other Scriptures; by the Light whereof, we mutt fearch and find out the Interpretation. They may be interpreted and applied ( many of them) to the Church, in a fecondary way, in regard of the Union and Communion it hath with Chrift, as well as unto Chri.b himfelf primarily and chiefly. The Adjunfts required and annexed to Sacrifices were many, which will come to be fpoken to, when we conk to the feveral forts and kinds of Sacrifices : Only force Generals may be now mentioned, de- ferring the explication of them, to the Places where their Inftitutión is firft mentioned. As, i. Sacrifices were all tied and appropriatedby Divine Infiitution, to the Brazen Altar at the Door of the Tabernacle. This was a newAddition in Mofes's Reformation ; for they had Sacrifices (as hath been ihew- ed) from the. first Promife of the Gofpel, after the entrance of Sin ; but there was no Tabernacle, nor one only Altar appointedand in- ftituted, till Mofes's Time. 2. Another Appurtenance of all the Sacrifices was Salt, Levit. 2. 13. Mark9. 49. every Sacrifice tis falted with Salt. 3. Mufick. Temple Mufick both Vocal and Instrumental, whereof the former fort indeed was Moral, but the latter, Ceremonial. While the Sacrifices were offering, the Trumpets were founding, and other Mufical Inftruments. 4. Incenfe. As foon as they had offered the Sacrifice, and the Mufick and Trumpets ceafed, the Prieft went into the Holy Place to offer In- cenfe, and the Peoplewithout prayed. 5. Many ceremonious Alliitns; partly of the Sinner that brought the Sacrifice, but chiefly of the Priefts and Levites in ordering and facri- ficing of it : And here (amongft the rest) the Ceremonies of Purifi- cation from legal and ceremonial Uncleannefs, may come to be conii- dered. Such as thefe, were the Adjunfts required. The