Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

Thi,Gopel of ,Sacr =i ices. 1,91 The Adjun?is forbidden, were in general, any Conformity .er Cornplance with the Pagans in their Rites and Ceremonies; Deut. i2.4, 30, 31, 32. Te'hall not dofo unto the Lord your Cod. What thingfoever I command . you, abferve to do it : Thou (halt not add thereto, nor diminifh from it. So Rev. 14. 9, to. complyance with Popifh Worfhip is forbidden, under pain of God's Wrath. Particularly; Two things were feverely interdiûed and forbidden in all their Sacrifices, ( except fome peculiar Cafes, of which after- wards ) Leaven, and Honey, Levit. a, i I. the Myfteries of all which,. we (hall endeavour to open to iyou by the help of Chrift, inour'further Progrefs upon this Subjea. Prop. 3. The Occatons upon which they were to be offered, were of. all Sorts; I (hall but infance in four Heads of Things. As, 1. When under guilt ofSin : For this was the di- for, of:he Burm- re& Intent and Scope of them all, they were -to o ering:on .. Confer offer a Sacrifice for Reconciliation. 2. For the obtaining of any needful Mercy ; and for the preventing and removing of any Judgment or Danger, either impending or .in- fliaed, as i Sam. 7. 9, io. Samuel offered a Lamb for Burnt - Offering, and it found great Acceptance with God, when Ifrael was fighting a- gainft the Phili(lines. So the Ifraelites, Judg. 20. 26. when feeking un- toGod by Fafting and Prayer, for Succefs and Viaory in their War againft the Benjamites. So David to remove the Plague, z Sam. z.l.. ult. The negleawhereof in great Enterprizes, hath fometimes caufed a good Caufe to mifcarry, as fudges o. z6. this feems to have been one of the fatal Errors in their .Management of it the two former Times : For we read not that they offer.ed Sacrifice, till their :third Attempt. 3. To teftify their Joy and Thankfulnefs for Mercies received, as Illóab when he came out of the Ark, Gen. 20. and Solomon when he had obtained Wifdom, I Kings 3.15. 4. In the inftitutedSeafons of them. For.befides Vows andfree-Will- Offerings, upon fu.h Emergencies of Providence as.tháfe beforeJmen- tioned, there were many Cafes wherein ,they were inflituted and re- quired ; as when a Prieft was to be Confecrated ; an unclean Perfonao be purified ; any Fefiival or Holy-day to be Celebrated ; they hadall their refpeaive Sacrifices and Offerings appointed by the, Law. Thus you fee the . Nat ur . e of there Legal Saçrifis ss ;,, ifo rthe;fi.i; Inftitution ; the Adjt4n£ís, and Ocoafsons of them. As to the feveral Sorts and Kinds of them, the next ,ï7a*irine,will .ia* form you, viz, Dog.