itSLE, &é.. separation of Godly from Wicked, 24 25 304 Vide Cbureh.Purit5s. Seraphims, 146 Serpents, 146 Seth a Type, 115 Steven; Inftances, and meaning of that Num- ber, 252 309 318 391 454 Seventh Day, Vide Sabbath. Seventh Month, 436 439 Seventh Year, 447 Shadow, what, 52 169 Shaving the Head, what, 318 Shekel, 352 .thew-bread, 224 394 Shiloh, 327 Sibyls underfiood not their own Prophe> ties, 19 Signs and Wonders, 17 Outward, of Spiritual Things, always given, 23 52 62 Of a Chriftian under a lowDifpen- fation, 33 Of Grace, 69 79 97 108 270 293 31.9 358 364 387 398 406 Are Seals of the Covenant, 181 Sin, 147 155 208 246 2S7 287 29.1 304 322 --- ---Againft the Holy Ghofil, 266' The fame Thing may be a Sin and Judgment, 40 Offering, 243 273 525 ----For which no Sacrifice, 245 265 Degrees of Sin, 249 None Venial, 257 _Of Rulers and People, 40 25 t g---- Unknown, Pardon of it mu' be fought, 260 Frefumptuous, of Ignorance, and a- gainft Knowledge, 245 246. Sinai Mount, Holy, 326 snuffers, 390 393 394 Srecinians, 375 4odom a Type, 5.7 83 161 163 Solomon a Type, 91 103 107 Soveraigny of God,, 47 150 151 196 263 275 339 340 Spirit of God fignified by Watery. 142 143. By Oil, 212 321 391 392 By Fire, 370 391 Sprinkling, what, 200 201 252 253 289 309 318 42J Is fuf 454 e int, 273 320 32.1 379 526 standards of Weights and Meafures, 353 358 Stones on which the Law was written, 511 Stiperf#ition condemned, 193 20,7 208 277 286 322 350 371 460471473 5t6 Supper. Vide Lord's Supper. Surplice, 207 279 501 SsifMenfion, 299 302 Symbols or vifible Signs of God's Pretence, 23 38 62 329 Synagogue Worlilp, 3.30 350 479 319 T TAoernacle, 171 326 327 338 At Gilgal, Shiloh, Yob, Gilieon, &c.. 327 T--Vide Feafts. Table ofShear-bread, 394 Of the Lord, not an Altar, 277 371 Tables of the Covenant, 410 511_ Temple, 39 171 326 330 338 -- Officers, 171 Of Zerubbabel, 41 What Things It wanted, 41 513 Tenth, or other fit part to be given to God, 8o 276 Thankful enough, when, 5o 423 Tbankfulnefs, 305 42.2 423.442446 Taught by the Sacrifices, 277 Follows Forgivenefs, 422 a Theft, 263 Theocracy was the Jewifh- Government, 38 Three, or the third Day, Myftical, 234 Throne of Grace, 407 Thumb and Toe to be fprinkled, 320 321.525 Teses fundry in which God fpake of Old, 21 Tithes, 332 535 537 Topbet a Type, 163 Transfiguration Mount, 326 Tranfubfiantiation, 5 t0 Trees facramental, 23 66 In the Temple, 346 Trefpafs Offering, 259 273 Trinity typed. forth, 81. Trumpets, their Inflitution, Llie, f:/c. 436 4$m Fide Rafts. Turcifm, what, 49 Turks let iuto the Chriftian World in Anfwer to Prayer, 253 405 Troelve, 395 Two Birds, and two Goats, why, 3.15 455 Types a double ufe of them, 9 What in general, 17 52 Their Defcription, 51 Belong to, and are inftituted by the fecund Commandment, 53 --- How to be known, 53,129 .61401