Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

182 The Gofpel of the Sacrifices. I7of$. 2. That the Sacrifices of Propitiation under the Law, may be 're.; ferred to thefe fix Kinds or Sorts ; namely, the 'Burnt-offering, theMeat offering, the Peace- offering, the Sin- offering, the Tre/pafs-offering, and theOffering of Confecratións._ They are, and may be feveral ways'di- itïnguilhed and diltributed ; but I íhall content my felf at prefent with this Diltribution in the Text; the Words whereof are a Abort Reca- pitulation of the general Heads of the feven 'úríì Chapters of this Book ; all which treat upon thefe feveral Sorts of Sacrifices and` Of- ferings, with the Rules and Rites appertaining to them ; which, ha- ving been delivered and-laid down at large, the Text concludes and winds up all thus, This is the Law ofthe Burnt - offering andof the Meat- offering, &c. Queff. Wherein lay the difference between thefe 'feveral kindsand forts of Sacrifices ? Anfw. Therewere force Things wherein they all agreed ; namely, in all thofe general Things before - mentioned in the Defcription and Explication of them. As, s. They were all ofired at the Brazen Attar ; and fo were Offer- ings of alowerNature álfo. 'But, z. Thefe were all 'Quodefh, `Quodefhim, mo.,T Holy, Holy of Holi nelfes. 3. They were all 1/him, Offerings made by Fire. 4. They were all Propitiatory, they did ferve for `Expiation and A- tonement. Therefore they differed not in the general Nature, or in the general `Scope and intent of them, which was the fame in all ; namely, to íhadlow forth Chrift in his Death, as the true Sacrifice for our Sins, and inother Myfteries of his Wifdom and Grace and Love, in the ,Gofpel of our Salvation. But thedifference confifts in three Things. r. Partly in the different Matter of them ; as an Ox or a Sheep in force ; Flower and Wine in others of them. 2. Partly in the particular Ends, and Deigns, and Occafions ofthem; force being for Sins of Ignorance, as the Sin-Offering : Some for Sins againft Knowledge, as Trefpafs - Offerings : Some for Confecration of the Priefts, &c. 3. Partly, yea principally in the different Ceremonies accompanying them : Some were cut in Pieces, as Sheep and Oxen; but form were only flit in the Middle, but not cut afunder, as Birds. And various other Ceremonies there were, as you will fee further when we come >to -open and explain the feveral forts and kinds of Sacrifices. At pre-