Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gnfpel of the Sacrifices. I93 prerent I fiiall conclude with two Words of Ufe, from all that hath been faid. Vfe 1. Let us learn this great Leffon, to keep clofe to the Rule of Dì- vine Inflit. tion in Matters of Worfbip. l befeech you mark the Text,, bow emphatical the Expreflions are, This is the Lam of all the. feverai Sorts of Sacrifices which the Lord- commanded Mofes, when he commanded the Children of ifrael to offer their Oblations, &c. As they did nothing but what the Lord commanded Mofes ; fo we fhould do nothing, but what Chrill hath commanded us. Make that your great Enquiry in all Things, that concern the Worfhip of God ; bath the Lord command- ed it ? is the Command gone forth from Mount Sion for it. Yea or No ? The Apofties were limited, Mat. 28. ult. in their Preaching, to teach only what Chrift had commanded them ; had they taught their own Inventions, they had exceeded their Commifiion ; they had not been faithful to their Truft ; but they were faithful in teaching and tranfmitting to the Churches, what the Lord himfelf had taught and commanded them, r Cor. a r. 23. What 1 received of the Lord, that I delivered untoyou, that the Lord 'cfus the fame Night in which he was be- trayed, took Bread, &c. When a Minifter baptifeth with the Sign of the Crofs, or any fuch like Superflition, he cannot fay, I received this from the Lord. Pra&ife nothing which the Word doth not re- quire ; omit nothing that the Word doth require, whatever worldly Troubles or Dangers you incurr. Vfe 2.. See the Worth and Value of the Sacrifice ofYefus Cbrift, and the Neceffity of it, for the Yuflification and Salvation of loft Sinners. For what was the meaning of all there Offeringsand Sacrificeswhereof they had fo great a Multitude, and fomany feveral Sorts and Kinds of than under the Law, but to lead us, by the Hand to efìu Chat, to the true Sacrifice and Atonement which is in his Death and Blood ; for he is the Propitiation for our Sins, r John 2. 2. This was the Scope and Defign of them all ; for it was impoffible that fuch Sacrifices fhould do the Work of making Satisfa&ion to Divine Juftice, and reconci- ling God and Sinners ; therefore they were not to terminate their Thoughts there, but to look beyond them to jefus Chriit, in whom both we and they are reconciled to God. That this was the Scope of them appears throughout the NewTeftament; therefore Chrift is cal- led a Sacrifice, Ephef. 5. 2. and a Propitiation for our Sins, i John a. 2. And hence the Apoftle fo argues, Heb. 9. r 3, i q.. If the Blood ofBulls and Goats, and the Afhes of an Heifer, fprinkling,tbe unclean fanaifieth to the purifying of the Flef1 ; How match more (ha the B(ood ofChrift, who C c *Pik