Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

T'efament, as well asunder the New. 5 State of Happinefs for the Saints, as well as an Eternal State of Mifery for the Wicked ; they did believe this in thofe days. Thus we fee they had the fame Gofpel-bleflings preached unto them of old, that we have at this day : And thefe bleffings and good things are demonítrations that it was Gofpel, becaufe there Bleílings are not promifed in the Law. The Law knows no Remiflion, or Re- generation of a loft Soul, no Salvation of a Sinner. This was the firft Branch of the Argument ; but for a more clear and full Evi&ion of it, the fecond Part of the Argument was this. . 2. Becaufe they had thefe Bleffngs upon the fame account, and in the fame way as we have them now. I fpeak as to the Principal and Internal Caufes of them : For in the outward way and manner of Difpenfation, there was a difference, but not in this. For upon what account have we there precious Benefits, and good Things of the Gofpel You will find, if you confider it aright, that it was then, as now. We receive all from the meer Mercy, and Free-grace ofGod in Chrifl ; and this was the Fountain of their Supplies alfo : If they had received Pardon of Sin, and Grace, and Glory, on the account oftheirown Merits and Works of Righteoufnefs, then it had not been Gofpel ; Bpt they had them in the fame way we have them, as to the internal Caufe from whence all Bleflings come, even from the Mercy and Free - Grace of God ; a very glorious Attribute of God, and molt abundantly, yea continually held forth throughout the Old Teftament : That he is the Lord, the Lord God,gracious and merciful. Howmany Prayers, and Pfalms, and Songs of Praife unto him, for that his Mercy endureth for ever ? How fweetly, how pathetically do the Prophets Teach and Preach it to them ? This all the Saints of Old had recourfe unto. .David, Pfal. 51. t. when feeking Pardon, have Mercy, (faith he) upon me, OGod, according to thy loving kindnefs : According to the Multitude of thy Mercies blot out my Tranfgref. Tons : And Daniel 9. 8, 9. when he befought the Lord on behalf of the Nips, OLord, tous belongeth confufionof face, &c. becaufe we bave finned againfl thee : To the Lord our God belong Mercies and fargiveneffes, tho' we bave rebelled againft him.Wedo not prefent our Supplications before theefor our Righteoufneffes, brit for thygreat Mercies, ver. 18. and for thine ownfake, ver. 19. This then was that they had recourfe unto, as the Fountain of all the Good whereof they Rood . in need, and of all their Supplies, even the infinite Mercy of Go& Moreover, it was the Mercy of God in Cbrifl, his Mercy thro' the Mediation of Jefus Chrift. For only thro' Him is Mercy communicated to Sinners, fo alone is Mercy communicated : Therefore Daniel there prays, Dan. 9. 17. Look upon thy Sanerthary that is defolate, for the Lord's fàko,.