Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel Preached under the Old At1 Chriff's Refurredion. divers Angels appeared in the shapes of Men, Matth. 28, 2, 3. An Angel rolled back tPe Stone from the door ofthe Sepcs..Ácá± , and fat upon it, &c. Luke 24. 4. Behold two Men flood by them in fhining Ratment. So át his Afcenfion,,1 Ails r..i o..Behld two Men flood by them in white Apparel. Sometimes the Angels did appear not only in humane"'rapes, but with other Reprefentations accompanying them : as Horfes and Chariots of Fire, that is with Riders upon them, a Kings. 6. 17.' Behold, the Moun- tain wasfull ofHorfes and Chariots ofFire round about Elitha. Zach. r. 8. Beholda Man riding upon a red Horfe, and behind him there were red Horfes fpeckled and white and 6, r, there camé four Chariots out from be- tween the two Mountains, ver. 5. There are the four Spirits of the Hea- vens. 3. Sometimes other thingswere reprefented and (hewn in Vifion to the Prophets to fignifie to them the Mind of God : as Yerem. r. r r, 13. The Prophet there feeth the rod ofan Almond tree, anda teething pot, with theface thereof, toward the North, So Amos cap. 7. ver. i, q., 7, 8. has fe- veral things prefented in Vifion to him. And this is one of thefe divers mannersof the Lords fpeaking, by V:fons,.or Reprefentations to the eye Waking. 2. Another . manner was by Dreams, that is, by Reprefentation of thingsto the Fancy in fleep : And they had not only things prefented but dually Words fpoken, to interpret them. Sometimes the Lord gave divine Dreams to wicked men; as to Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar But they knew not what they meant, and fo were not .Prophets ; but the Lord fent the Interpretation by others, Who were his.faithful' Ser- vants. But the Prophets and Servants ofGod duallyhad both the Dream, andTome further light for the Perception and Interpretationof it. As to Abraham, Gen. x5. r2. And when the Sun was going down, a deep fleep fell upon Abraham, and lo, an horrour ofgreat Darknefs fell upon him, and befaid unto Abraham, knowofafurety, &c. ver. 13. And to Yacob, Gen. 28. 12 13. the Dream of the Ladder, ver. 12. is interpreted tohim by God in the following verfes, and 31. r r, 12. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Jacob in a Dream, and [peaks unto bim : and 46. z. God fpake unto Ifrael in the Vifions of the night. So to Dance capi 7 r, 7, 13. the divers night-Vifions he had there are after- wd ds`.itater ireted to him, ver. 15, (c. To Jofeph, Matth. I. 20. An ats e1'!of the `Lórd appeared tohim in a Dream, laying, fear not to take un- to tbee Marl l by Wife , and Matth. 2. 13, 19. An Angel of the Lord app ina Dream to bim, faying, arife, and take the young Child and his