Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

Tefiament, in divers Manners. itr' his Mother,. and go into the Land of Ifrael. This way and manner of fpeakiñg feems to have been very frequent and ufiíal in thofe ancient' times : As thofe words of Elibu intimate, fob 33. 14, 15, 16. For God' fpeaketh once, yea twice, in a Dream in a Vrfton ofthe Gen. night, when deep fleepfallethupon Men, in'lumbers upon the See Ayn¡worth ón bed, then be openeth the Ears of Alen, &c. Gen, 20. 3' and 3. A third manner was by Voices, by an audible 37 S Voice uttered either by God himfelf immediately, or by Angels. And' thefé audible Voices are accompanied fometimes withvifibleAppearances' to the eye; but fometimes the Voice alone without any vifible appariti- on, as to our firft Parents, Gen. 3. 3 It was the Voice of God, and not an Angel. For he faith, the Tree which I commanded &c. But the moft famous Inftance hereof was at the giving of the Law upon Mount Sinai, Exod i 9, and 20. where the Lord fpake with an audi- ble Voice from Heaven : Chap. 19 9, 20. fo that the People might hear ; and Chap. 20: 22. and fee, that the Lord talked with them from Heaven. Deut 5. 22, 23. 24. Thefe words the Lord fp -ke unto all dour Afembly in the Moral, out of the midfl of the Fire, of the Cloud, andof the thick Dark- nefs, with a great Voice. And when ye heard the Voice Heb. 12, 26, Whofe Voice then fhook the Earth : So Matth. 17. 5_ AVoice out of the Cloud /aid, this is my beloved Son. But they faw no ftmilitude, Deut. 4, 12. 15. 1 Kings 19. 12, 13. A;ill 'mall Voice. 44, By an inward Infiint ; by immediate Infpirations and Irtsputfet of the Holy Ghofi. So to David r Chro. 28. 12, 19. tho' he had it in Writ- ing alfo, and left it to his Son But it was revealed to him by the Spirit of God. So to Philip, Aas8.29. The Spirit fail`unto Philip To Peter, Aas to. 19. The Spirit Paid unto him, and Ath I I, 12. the Spirit bade me go with them-- To Paul and Silas, Alts 16. 7. Not to go into Bithynia ; bat the Spiritfaf fered them. not. 5. By legal Types and Shadows : Thefe were fpepking things. And what did They fpeak ? They fpake forth Gofpel Truths and Myfteries The Ceremonial Law was the Gofpel in Types and Shadows. Heb. 1 o, 1: The Law having a (hadow of good things to come. A Type is a legal fhadow of Gofpel Truths and Mylteries. Thefe were the ftanding Or- dinances and Inftruftions of thofe times. 6. By Signs and Wonders. Thefe had a Voice, and did fpeak the Mind of God : Thefe were atteftationsto the Truthand Mind of God, and to the Authority of the Melfenger. See Exod. 4. 8. If they will riot believe thee, nor hearken to the Voice of the ftr(t Sign, they will believe the .Voice of the latter Sign John. 3. 2. We know, that thou art a Teachs D er