Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

45° the Gofpel of thegreat Day ofAtonement. He that comes fpeedily to redeem Ifrael. And you, thoughyou have a Conviaion of the Truth of the Gofpel ; yet get a further and fuller Conviaion of it from this, that Jefus Chrift was fo plainly fhadowed forth tous by all thefe ancient Difpenfations. THF1 Gofpel of the Great Day of Atenement. 4.0 gilt:. 24, 8c 23. a668, Lev. 16. The whole Chapter. THis Chapter is wholly taken up in declaring the Feaft of Expiati. on or Atonement upon the tenth Day of the feventh Month. It is more properly and indeed a Fall ; but yet commonly called a Feaff, as taking the Word in a more lax Acceptation for any let or folemn Time. And tho' it was indeed a day of afflifting their Souls, yet there was Yvy in the end of it For their Peace was made with God, and the 14bilee proclaimed this Day. lt was, with all the Services and Adminiftrations of it, the molt lull and compleat Shadow of the great Work of our Redemption that we meet with under the Law ;, the High Prieft renrefenting in all he did, that which Jefus Chrift the true High Prieft was to do indeed in the fulnefs of Time. I fhall endeavour to explain it a little to you, as God fhall enable rue, following the Method of this Chapter, and fo you will be able to read it more underffandingly and with Edification. Wherein the firft thing that doth occur is, the occafion of the Inftib tution, V rfe t. viz. The Death of the Two Sons of Aaron, when they offered before the Lord and died, which Story is recorded, Ltv. O. 1, 2. Some add, that Man fell upon this Day; but this is not likely. lt Teems more probable from all the Circumftances of the Story, that he . fell upon the feventh Day. For that he was not fallen upon the fixth 1:7ay appears by this, that in the dole of the fixth Day God approves all his Creatures that they were good, Gen.t. kit. therefore Sin had not y't fpoiled therm. And