452 The Gofpel of thegreat DozyycfAtonement. Fire and Wrath upon their Spirits for it, which is worfe then. out- ward Judgments. Obf. 2. The Lord takes bold of the faddefl-occafions to bring in Difpen- fations of the greateft Good and Mercy to his People. Light out of Dark- nefs, Heaven out of Hell, Good out of Evily to thofe that he hath fet his Love upon. Obf. 3. When fom. a are flair:,- and die in and for their Sins, the Lord . providesfor the Salvation ofothers, that they die not.. Now to come to the Thing it felf. Mo¡es is to charge Aaron that he come not into the Holy ofHolies at all Times, nor in any manner, but at God's appointed Times, and in loch manner ah be requiretb.. This manner is here defcribed at large. It confrfts chiefly in. three Things. (r.) His waffling himfelf. ( 2. ) His holy Garments. And (3. ) His propitiatory Offerings. r. That the Priefi mush math before he put on his Garments, and be- fore he prefent his Offering, is an intimation of his Purity. and Clean- nefs. Hence that Expreffion of the Apoitle, Heb. io. 22. Havingour .Hearts ',winkled from an evil Confcience, and our Bodies mafhed with pure Water.. This is the fiat thing he is to do. So Chrift, Mattb. 3. r6.. was baptized before he entred upon hisMiniftry. ; and he was per- fealy Holy and Pure, nothaving the leaft- Defilement of Sin upon him, though he had taken on him our. Nature, and.alitheother Infirmities of it. Yid.. ON the Priefl's Confecration, fromExod. 29. p. 653. 2. As to his Attire, here be two forts of Holy Garments mentioned' in the Services of this Day ;, the Holy Garments, Verf 4. and other holy and molt coftly Garments, Verf. 23, 24. Some call, the farmer his White Garments, and the other his Golden.Garments. ( r.. ) This Prieftly Attire was an Emblem of Spiritual Clothing, Rfal. 13z. 9, Let..thyPriefis,be clothed with RigbteouJnefs, and let thy Saints ¡loutfor Joy; and Verf. i6. 1will alto cloth her Priefls withSalvation. Job 29.14. I,put on Righteoufnefs, andit clothedIme : My Judgment was as á. Robe and a Diadem. This then fpeaks the Grace and Holinefs that was in Jefus Chrift, and ought to be in. Minifters, fuck Garments Mini- fters Ihould be clothed. with. ( 2. ) Thofe two forts ofAttire, the White and the Golden Gar- ments, fignified the different Eftate and Condition of Jefus Chrift ; when, he performed the great. Work of. our Redemption, andmade Atonement for us; be did. it in much. Meannefs_and Abafement, Ifa. . 14, his ..Vifage was, niarred,hewas without external Pompand worldlyGloryy. in the_Form:of a, Servant, made himfelf;ofno Reputa- tioua,