The Gofpel of thegreat Day ofAtonement. 453 Lion, Pbil.2.7. though with Holinefs and Purity, and Innocency : He had white Garments on, though they were but plain. But as there is a clothing of Grace ; fo there is a clothing of Glory, a Cor. 5. 2, 4. And after his Refurreaion, when he bad been in Hea- ven and returned again, and arofe and appeared from the Dead, he did change his Raiment : He wore the Garments of Holinefs here ; but when he entred into the holy Place, even into Heaven, he did put on Garments of Glory: Theft were the Holy Garments on this Day of Expiation. 3. Now the third thing is, the Offerings of Atonement ; and they were of two forts, for the Prieft, and for thePeople. z. For the Priefl himfelf, andfor bis own Houfe, Verf. 3.6. This teach. eth us the Infuffciency and Imperfeaion of the legal Prieft-hood, lieb. 5. i, 2, 3. we need a better High. Prielt, and we have one, lieb. 7. 26,. 28, The Prieft was firft to make Atonement for himfelf and for his own Sins, that fo he might be fit, as a Figure of Chrift the true High Prieft, . to make Atonement for the People. They that lie under unpardoned Guilt themfelves, are not fit to be Mediators and Ititer- ceflbrs for others. The Prielt had three Things to do in reference to his own Sacrifice. I. He was to kill it, and fo to make Atonement with it, Yer/:. z z. This was a Type ofthe Death of Chrift the. true Sacrifice. 2. He was to offer Incenfe in the Holy of Holies, Verf.. rz.. This is a Type of the Prayers and Intercefíions of Jefús Chrift in the Virtue of his Satisfa&ion. Here areFour Particulars obfervable. ( i. ) As the High Prieft did this beforehe fpriukled,the Blond in the Holieft of all: So Chrift prepared his own way into Heaven by his Prayers and Interceflïons, john c7. (.2. ) . The Incenfe was beaten fmall, to intimate the Anguifh, and Contrition, and. Brokennefs of Heart wherewith Chrift prayed and in- terceded for us ; thofe Agonies of Spirit in his Prayers beforehis, Death, which he offered up unto God with ftrong crying and tears, Matth. 26.37. He began to be forrowful and very heavy, and Verf. 38.. then faith be unto them, my Soul ¿s-exceeding forrowfal, even unto Death And Verf. 39. he fell on bir Face and prayed, faying, Ob my Father, if it be pofTbJe.Jet this Cup pafsfrom me, Luke 22..44. And being, in an Agony,, be prayed more earnefily, and bis_. Sweat was cis . it weregreat drops ofBlood . falling down to the Ground, Heb. 5.7. It fpeaks alfo the Contrition and Brokennefs of. Heart that is in the Prayersof the Saints., ( 3. ) He took a Cenfer full of burning Coals ofFire from offthe Altar, to kindlethe Incenfe. It is the Fire.of=the. Altar, the Spirit of. Gam`: