Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel l of the two Goats offered 45V Now then let us put both there together. The Mercy -feat muff be both clouded with Incenfe, and fprinkled with Blood, or elfe there is no approaching for Sinners into the Pretence of God, none but thro' the Prayers and Interceflions, and thro' the Blood and Satisfaaion of, Jefus Chrift. .Non folurn periculofum fed horribile eft de Deo extra Chri ® f-'um cogitare. It is not only dangerous ( faith Luther ) but it is as horrible Thing to think of God out of Chrift. Do not think to make ufe of God's Attributes in an immediate way, but by the Intercefl'ion of a Mediator ; there is no Mercy in God for Sinners out of Chrift. Thus much of the Prieft's Offerings for himfelf. 2. The fecond fort ofOf[ sings upon this great Day of Atonement were for the People ; and thefe are two Goats for a Sin- Offering, anda Ram for a Éurnt-Offering, Ver. 5. The Rites and Ceremonies of there two Goats are full of the Gofpel. It is pity that choice Portions of Scripture, which have fo much in them, are commonly fo little tinder- ftood by us. Let us in the helpof Chrift inquire a little into the My- eery of there Things. Of the Burnt-Offering there is fomething faid, but it is not much, the commbn Rules of the Burnt - Offering being here to be obferved,. But the Sin - Offering of the two Goats, there be many very fignificant: Rites and Ceremonies about them. This Sin-Offering is firft generally, and then feverally and more particularly fpoken to, and the feveral Actions about them more par ticularly opened. r. In general, Verf. 7. 8, 9, io. The fir$ thing that they had to do which was peculiar to it was, that upon thefe two Goats, they were to cafe Lots. Now a Lot is a referring of a thing by an Appeal to the Determination of Providence, Prov. 16. 33. the Lot is raft into, the Lap, but the whole difpojng thereof is of the Lord. There is a fpecial hand of Providence in a Lot ; fo it is faid ofChrift, Ails 2.23. Him being delivered by the determinate Counfel and fore-knowledge of God, ye bave taken, and by wicked Hands have crucified and (lain. The Lot in this Bufinefs was to determine which of the Goats fhould be Hain, and which was to efcape. But why were there two Goats, one tadie, and the other to efcape? The Reafon was plainly this ; becaufe that one alone was not fufficï- ent to reprefent the Myftery intended and aimed at. For Chriff was both God and Man, he both died and rofe again ; but the fame Sacri- fice could not both die and live again without a Miracle. Therefore thefe two Goats were appointed to reprefent more compleatly the whole Myftery of our Redemption in all the Concernments of it ; to fhadot