Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

456 in thegreat Day ofAtonement. shadow forth Jefus Chrift in both his Natures, and inboth the States he paired through, both in his Divinity and in his Humanity, both in his Humiliation and Exaltation. As in like manner there were two Birds appointed in the Purification of the Leper. See of the cleaning of the Leper, Lev. 14. p.398. So here two Goats, a flain Goat,, and a fcape Goat ; the one to Ihadow forth Chrift as dying and fain for our Offences, the other as riling again for our Juftification. The flain Goat reprefented Chrift as he was put to Death in the Flesh, that is, in his Humane Nature : The fcape Goat reprefentedhim as quickned by the Spirit, that is, by his Deity railing him up again from Death to Life. This in general. Now, z. In particular,' the facred Rites and Ceremonies about thefe Goats are feverally fpoken to from Verf. 15, &c. (i. ) He begins with the facred A&ionsabout the(lain Goat, and then fpeaks, (z.) Of the(cape. Goat. t. The facred A&ions and Ceremonies about the flain Goat were fuch as thefe. T. The fprinkling of the Blood thereof upon the Mercy-feat and before theMercy-feat, arc. Verf. 15. as the Blood ofthe Bullock for Priejt before-mentioned was, Verf. 14. where the meaning of this Rite was opened. This reprefents the Blood of Jefus Chrift, which Made way for him and us intoHeaven, into the Prefence of God. a. The Prieft herebymuft make an Atonement for the holy Place, for the Tabernacle, becaufe of the Vncleannefs of the Children of Ifrael, Verf: 16. This teacheth us, that the veryOrdinances of God, and our Holy,, Services therein have a ferret Defilement cleaving to them through our being exercifed in them. If the Tabernacle be pitched in the midtt of an unclean People, the Tabernacle it felf mutt be atoned. How thould this beat down our beingproud of Ordinances, and haughty, becaufe of God's holy Mountain, as the Prophets Phrafe is Zeph. 3. io. thole carnal Boaftings that weare fubje& to, fuch as thofe oftheirs that faid, The Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord are tbej Jer. 7. Ifthe Ordinances were not fprinkled with the Blond. ofJefus Chrift, they could never be accepted, they could never be .ffe&ual for good unto us. Not that Duties and Ordinances are unclean or impure in themfelves ; but we defile them by the mixture of Corruption that is, in us. 3. The Priefl muff enter alone into the Holy Place ashen be Both this, Ver. 17. So Jefus Chrift was alone in the Work of our Redemption, and purging away of our Sins. . Heb. i. 3. He by bimfelf pureedow Sins It-