Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the twoGoats offered 457 It is an horrible and dreadful Error of the Papifls that joyn other Me- diators with him : This is to fend others to go along with the High Prieft when he atones the Holy Place. 4. He muft go out from the Brazen Altar of Offerings to the Golden Altar of Incenfe, and atone it by putting the Blood of the Sin-Offering upon the Horns thereof, Verf. 18. 19. Thereare many Things here. 1. That Chrit}'s Interceflion is founded in his Oblation : For the Golden Altar is a Type of his Interceffion. Now this muft be fprink- led with Blood; to teach us, that by the Virtue ofChrift's Death and Blood, his Prayers and IntercefIions are available and effe&ual with God. And look whomhe died for, thofe he prayed for. To feparate his Death and Interceflion, is to divide what God bath joysaed. To think. that he died for force, for whom he doth not pray, is as if the High Prieft fhould neglea or forget one part of his Office, which requires not only that he kill the Sacrifice, but that he fprinkle the Blood of it upon theAltar of Incenfe. Therefore if Chrift hath flied his Blood for Reprobates, he will not forget to fprinkle it upon the Golden Al- tar for them. if he hath died for them, he will pray for them. But it is confeffed, he doth not pray for fome, and himfelfafl'erts it, Yobn 17. 9. therefore he did not die for them. 2. This teacheth us, how it is that our Prayers come to be accep- ted ; it is becaufe fprinkled with the Blood of Chrift, they need clean- fing and purging : The Incenfe-Altar muft be atoned. Lava lachry- mas meas Domine. Lord wafh my Tears. 3. The Horns of the Altar of Incenfe fprinkled witk Blood denotes the efficacy and ftrength of Prayer when fprinkled with the Blood of Chrift, both his Prayers for us, and ours alfo in his Name. Hence Rev. 9. 13. we read of a Voice from the four Horns ofthe Golden Al- tar which is before God, that is, anfwers and returns of Prayers from the Power of God awakened and improved by Prayer. But this third particular belongs rather to the Altar of Incenfe, as the proper place to which it fhould be referred. 2. The Rites and Ceremonies of the Scape-Goat; whereto force other Things alfoare annexed fromVerf, 21. &c. I fhall put them altogether in feven Particulars, force concerning the Scape-Goat, and force other Rules and Obfervations in this Day of Expiation; molt of them men- tioned in this Chapter. r. The Prieft muff: confefs their Sins over the Head of the Scape- Goat, Verf. 21. This Scape-Goat was a Type of Chrift, God laidon him the Iniquities of us all, lfa. 53. 6. and we are todo it by Faith, corn- N n n fefling