Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

458 in the great Day ofItonement. felling our Sins with an Eye to him, as being born by him in our head. Many of the damned have confeffed their Sins, but not over the Head of a dyingSaviour. 2. The Scape-Goat carries their Sins afar off into the Land of Ob- livion, Verf. 21. 2.2. far from the fight and prefer= of God in the Temple. A moth lively Shadow and Reprefentation this is of that great Myftery of the Pardon and Forgivenefs of Sin : For fo Chrift carries our Sins away into the Land ofOblivion, Pfal. io3. 12. As far as the Eaft is from the Weft, fo far bath he removed our 7'ranfgreffions from us : 7bat though they befought for, they cannot be found, Jer. 5o. 20. If Confcience Peek for them, it cannot find them for Confcience is pacified when fptinkled with the Blood of Jefus Chrift. If Satan Peek for them, he cannot find-them; for they are gone and loft in the Wildernefs. Yea, if Juftice it felf feek them, yet they cannot be found : For Juftice is fatisfied by the Death and Blood ofChritt. 3. The High Prieft is now to go into the Tabernacle, and there to change his Raiment, and there to wafh himfelf, and to come forth and offer the Burnt- Offering, and burn the Fat of the Sin- Offering accor- ding to the Ordinance, Verf 23. 24, 2.5. I put all thefe together, becaufe they have all been formerly opened in the feveral Places to which they appertain : And therefore it may fuffice now only thus to bind them up together, as it were in one bundle, for the help of Memory, and fo pats on to the next. The Myftery of the Prieft's Attire was opened on Verf. 4. and 23.24. The Burnt-Offering on Lev. r. p. 244.. Theburning ofthe Fat onLev. 3. in the Peace- Offering, pag. 285. where this Rite is firft mentioned. It was there (hewed how it lignifies the giving unto God the belt of our Spirits and Services : And in ano- ther Accommodation of the Metaphor ; the confuming and burning up finful Corruption. See pag. 299. 300. 4. He that carried away the Scape-Goat muft wafh his Clothes, and fo come into the Camp, Verf 26. And the like again, Verf 28, He that is the Minifter of thefe holy Anions muft wafh himfelf, as having contraáed Guilt; which denotes not only the Imperfection of the Levitical Prieft-hood, but allo it may inftru± us in the Iniqui- ty of all our molt holy Anions. -.See of this upon the Sin-Offering on Lev. 4. P. 323. 5. The Sin- Offerings, both the Bullockand the Goat, muff be burnt without the Camp, Verf. 27. This alfa is explained upon the SinOf- fering, Lev. Chap. 4. pag. 321. 322. that Chrift foffered without the City as, a Malefaaar, withwhom we alfo Ihauld fuller, bearing our Reproach,