Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the two Goats offered, &c. 459 Reproach, and .being content to be accounted as Malefaetors, yea as the irepikx9úfthila, the offscouring and fweepingof the World. 6. On this great Day of Atonement was the Jubilee to be proclaim- ed by found of Trumpet, Lev. 25.9. This fpeaks, that after the per- formance of the whole Work of our Redemption by Jefus Chrift, he did caufe the Trumpet of the Gofpel to found, to publifh and pro- claim the glad Tidings of our Salvation throughout the World, Ifa. 6c. r, a. fo that this Day of Atonement is like that famous Week prophefied of by Daniel Chap. 9. He (hall confirm the Covenant with many for one Week. In the midit of the Week Meftiah fhatl be cut off. This Week is interpreted by îome concerning that feven Years, the firft part whereof Chrift preached, fuffered in the middle of the Week; and in the ether three Years and an half the Apoftles preached at Yeru- falcm, after which they were difperfed by Perfecution, and fo the Gof- pel publifhed to all the World. It is the performance of the Work ofour Redemption, that was the Foundation and Ground -work of thepreachingof the Gofpel : The j i- bilee is proclaimed upon the Day of Atonement. 7. And laftly, this Day of Atonement is a Day of Humiliation and affíifing their Souls, by an everlafting Ordinance, Yerf 29. to the end. Days of Humiliationare Days of Atonement and Reconciliation Not that our Humiliation merits or deferves any thing : It is not the aflìiáing our Souls that doth make Atonement ; tut it fits us to receive the Atonement. Humiliation prepares the Soul for Chrift, and makes it capable to receive the Mercy and the Pardon that Chrift hath pur- chafed, and that God is willing and ready to beftow upon all that will receive it by Faith, N n n 2 THE