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460 THE Manifold Sinfulnefs of the POPISH' HOLY-DAYS. Difcovered in fundry Reafons againíl them,' and the molt ma- terial Obje&ions anfwered. ., Mongft the feveral ways wherein the Superllition of the Hearts of Men works out and vents it felf, this is one, the obferving of Days and Times ; wherein the Church of Rome bath aboun- ded, filling the Kalender with fuperftitious Holy-days, many ofwhich are (till retained and continued by fome others. But let thefe Reafons . againft them be confidered. Reaf. r. Nothing can be Holy to the Lord, which is not made Holy by the Lord ; but God the Lord of Time bath not fanaified or fet apart thefe Times. We find indeed before the Ceremonial Law was inftituted, yeabefore the Fall of Man, That God bleffed the feventh Day andfantified it, Gen z.2, 3. and therefore the Obfervation of aweek- ly Sabbath one Day in feven is moral and perpetual. But other Holy.. Days are things which the Lord never commanded, and which never carne into his Heart, andof which he will fay at the great Day, who re- quired tbefe things at your Hands. The ftrengch of which Argument will appear the more, if we confider what miferable poor Shifts it puts the Patrons of thefe Holy-Days to, when they go about to grapple with it. I . Sometimes they are fo 'confounded in themfelves, as to deny that they place Holinef in tbefe Days : The Church keeps them ( they fay ) not as more holy and facred then other Days and parts of Divine Wor(hip,. 'but only for Order and Policy. So Bilhop Lindley, Perth. .1f; part. 3. pag. 5. But the reft of his Fellows have dealt more truly and fin- Lerely then he in this particular : For not only Bellarmine (tom. 2. de Cultsa Santornm, lib. 3. cap. to. prop. z. ) afferteth, Fefla'Gbriflianorurn non lotion ratiene Ordinis fL' Politico, fed etiam ratione myjierij celebrantur, mtvue