Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The manifold finfulnefsof the Popifb Holy-days. 46r funtque dies felci vere a1iis fanCliores, facratiores, &pars qu edam divinicaal- tus. But Hooker ( Ecclef. Pol. lib. 5. fee. 69. pag. 375. ) alfo faith, they ought to be, with all Men that Jowl*. God, more holy then other Days. Downbam ( in ec. 4. ) refers them to the fourth Commandment, and will have them confecrated as Sabbaths to theLord. Bp. Andrews (in his Holy-day Sermonson.Luke4. t8. on Mat. t í.39,4:o. apedGillefp. Eng. Pop. Cerem. part 3. cap.'. p.15.) hath found out many profound Myfteries in them ; yea, in the very order of them, anddiftances of Time between them : As, there be fifty Days between Eafter and Pentecoft, becaufefifty. is the ¡Number of the jubilee ; one Day betweenEafter and the Refurrelion, becaufe Jonas was but one day in the Whale's Belly ; withmany other pret- ty Tales, which are not worth tranfcribing.And the thing it felf fpeaks for why do they call them Holy-Days, if they put no Holinefs in them? Nay, why do they prefer them above theSabbaths ofGod ? 2. sometimes they labour to efcape in the miff of blind Diftintlions : So when Bithop Lindley ( Perth..Aff. part 3. pag. 28. ) faith, that the Holy -days' are not confecrated to holy myfiical t fcl, but to holy political. Z.'fes. Wherein, as Mr. Gillety (Eng. Pop. Cerem. part 3. cap. i. pag. 7.) well obferveth, be Both but labour to plaifter over bis Superjlition with the untempered Mortar ofthis quidditative diftin/Jion and uncouth Speculati- on, ofwhich, I darefay, the Bifhophirnfelfcomprehendetb it not. 3. Sometimes they fay God hath fanäified them, by the great Works he hath done upon them. Thus Bellarmine (de Cult. Sanft. lib. 3. cap. To. ) Chriftus nafcens confecravit locum, id eft, pr vfepe, moriens con fcra- vit Crucem, refurgens con(ecravit Tumulum nude exivit ; cur non etiam confecravit Tempví, id eft, Dies illos quibus natas, vet paffus, vel reditao- rus fuit. nobis devittá morte ? Which his Difciple Richard Hooker, a molt Papiftical Writer, borrows from him, and thus expreffeth it, (Eccl. Pol. lib. 5. feti. 69. pag. 3-75.) No doubt, as Cod's extraordinary Prefence bath hallowed and fan/ified certain Places : So they are his extraordinary Works that have truly and worthily advanced certain Times, for which caufe t hey ought to be, with all Men that honour..God, more holy then other Days.. Thus he. But it is not meerly the extraordinary Works of God that will fang- aify a Day, for then all the fix Days of the Week should be holy ; for God created the World in fix Days ; fo that there is not one. Day of the Week wherein there was not fome Work of wonder wrought. lt is rather the Lord's reftirg from his Works, . then his working that farr ifieth Time and makes it holy;. as Gen. 2. 2, 3. Exod., 20. r i. Up- on this ground the feventlrDay was fanfiified inold Time, becaufe ors. that Day God retied from the Work of Creation ; and upon the fame Ground