The manifoldfinfulnefs of the Pop Holy-days. 463 cap. i 4.) faith. Nobbs ( faith he ) quibus Sabbata extranea font & neo- menia d?' feria aliquando a Deo dilea,e, Saturnalia & Yanuari e & Brume' & matronales frequentantur, munera commeant, firenec conjonant, lulus con- vivia conftrepunt ? And is not this as lively a Defcription of Cbriftmaa, as if it had been purpofely intended for it ? But thushe inveighs againft them ; O melior fides nationum in fuam feaam, qua nullam folennitatew Chriftianorurn fibi vendicat, non Dominicans diem, non Pentecoften etiam f nolfent nobiftum non communicaffent, tirnerent enim ne Chriftiani videren- tur, nos ne Etbnici pronunciemur, non veremur. " We that do not own. " nor obferve the New Moons, and other Jewifh Feftivals appointed .C' of Old by God himfelf, do we keep the HeatheniíhBacchanalia, and. " other Winter and Summer Feafts of theirs, feafting and revelling, " and making merry as the Heathens do ? O howmuch more true are " they to their Religion, then we to ours : For they do not obferve " any Day that Chriftians obferve, as Pentecoft or the Lord's Day ; for " they would be afraid left they fhould feem to be Chriftians in fo do- " ing : But we are not afraid left we be pronounced to be Heathens. Thus he. It is true, he alloweth Pentecof as a Feaft obferved by Chri- ítians in thofe Times ; but how this can be defended, and all the reft of the Jewifh Feafts cafhiered, let the Chriftian Reader judge. The Apoftle makes no difference, but condemns the Obfervation of all the Jewifh Feftivals alike, one as much as another, Col. 2. 16. Let no Man judge you in Meat or Drink, or in refpea of an holy day, or of the New Moon, or of the Sabbaths, which are a Shadow of Things to came. yu- dicare hic figniftcat culp a ream facere, vol religionern injicere ita ut am- plius liberi non f mus, faith Calvin in Col. 2. 16. Such weak and rudi- mentary Inftruaions were fit for thofe darker and weaker Times of the Churches Nonage, when under the Tutorage and Pedagogy of Mofes before the coming of Chrift. But now after tbatye have known God, or rather are known ofGod, bow turn ye back to the weak andbeggarly Elements, whereunto ;e defsre again to be in Bondage ? Te obferve Days and Months, and Times andTears. 1am afraidofyou, lest Ihave bellowed up- onyou Labour-in-vain, Gal. 4, 9, io, t T. It is a fign the preaching of the Gofpel hath had but fmall Succefs in fuch a Place, and in the Hearts of fuch a People. And whereas it is objeaed both by Papifts and Pre- lates, that the Apoftle fpeaks here only againft the Jewish Feftivals, loqui ibi Apollo/arum de fud eorum tantum feftis : So Bellarmine de Cultu Sana. cap. io. the .Rhemifis Annot. in Gal. 4. to. and Bithop Lindfey Perth Alf. part 3. pag. 43. This will not take off force of thofe Texts. For, " Tttc