Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

464 The rnanifo dfinfulnefs of the Popifb Holy-days. r. " The Armory of Chriftians againft Hereles and Errors fliould " be quickly empty, if the Weapons which are hung up in the Scrip. tures fhould fence only for the Perfons, Places and Times wherein " and againft which they were ufed ofthe Prophets and Apoftles ; and therefore your fhift, that the Apoftle (peaks only againft the Jew- s ifh Feasts and Fafts is vain, faith Mr. Cartwright in Col. 2. r6. 2. Some of the Popifh Feafts are originally yewifh, yea, which is worfe Paganifh. 3. Thefe Texts do condemn the Popifh Feafts as much, and in fome Refpeas more then the Jewifh, as Hofpinian obferves againft BclJar- mine; and Mr. Cartwright (in Gal. 4.. to. and in Rom. i4.. 5. ) gives the fame Anfwer to the Rhemifls. " If Paul ( faith he ) condemn the _` Galatians for obferving the Feafts which God himfelf inftituted, and tt that for his own Honour only, and not for the Honour ofany Crea- " ture ; the Papifts are much more laid open to this Condemnation,who it prefs the Obfervation ofFeafts of Mens deviling, and to the Honour " of Men. For do you think it likely that God should by Chrift dif- " charge his People of the Yoke of the Law of Mofes, to bring in " another Yoke of Man's Ordinances ? And is there any likelihood " that he fhould abrogate the Feftival Days confecrated to Himfelf and " to his own Majefty, to bring in thofe that are confecrated and let " apart to the Honour of Saints ? And that the Lord fhould cafe his et People of the burthen of a fewFeftival Days, to lay upon them an it heavier Burthen by a greater Number of them ? So that we fee the Scripture doth abundantly and clearly condemn and teftify againft thefe fuperftitious Obfervations of Day and Times. Reaf. 3. Confider further the deep difhonour that is done to God by thefe Days every manner of way. The common pretence is, that they do it for the Honour of Chrift ; but it is not good Intentions that will *xcufe bad A&ions. jeroboampretended very good Intentions, 1 King. 12. 28. fo did they in Exod. 3i. 5. they proclaimed an holy Day to Yebo- vah, tho' they kept it in a rude manner : But what faith the Lord to them, even after all the Prayers of Mofes for them ? Verf. 34. in the Daywhen 1 vifit, I will vi/it their Sin upon them. He will not regard their vain Pretences ; for the Truth is, thefe Days are celebrated ra= ther in difhonour, and as it were in defpite of Chrift, then for any Glory to him. For, i. They are a difhonour to his Holinefs, as if Chrift were a God that delighted in l'rofanenefs and Wickednefs : For he is difhonoured (as fome have well obferved ) by letting the Reins loofe to all manner of Profanenefs, as much in the twelve Days, and in fame Refpeas more,