Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

466 The manifoldfnfulnefs of the Popifll Holy-days. that bath found the Experience of the faving Power. and Biding of God's Ordinances to his own Soul, but will deteft a`nd abhor to enter- tain fuch bate and vile Thoughts of them, unlefs he bath forgotten that he was purged by them from his old Sins. 4. Thefe Superftitious Holy-days introduced and brought in many other Corrupations along with them, as bad or worfe then themfelves, like the unclean Spirit with feven Devils more, fundry whereof are thus expreffed by Dr. Ames, Frefh Suit againr Cerem. part z. pag. 84. They were ( faith he ) from tbeir farfi rife not only equalled unto, but alto extotied above the Lord's Day : Eafter brought in aSuperflitious Lent to at-. tend upon it, made Bapti fm wait for her Moon, and conformed our Lord's Supper to the yewifh Paffover in unleaved Bread. It was the firft Apple of Contention amongf Chriflians. ( The Latinand Greek Churches ftriving and contending fiercelyabout the Time ofit, and Odor Bithop of Rome defperately excommunicated thofe that were not ofhis Opinion in this frivolous Queftion.) So that it was thefirif Weapon wherewith the Bifhop of Rome played his Prizes against? other Churches, and after flew fo many Britains with, by Auftin the Monk. Holy-days deviled by Men in honour of Cbrif invited and drew on Holy-days to Saints, with many other Mif- chiefs more then can be now numbred up. And therefore upon all Accounts God is difhonoured by them. And fo much for that third Reafon. Reaf. 4. The true yearly Time for the Celebration of thefe Feftivals is not certainly known, but much difputed among Chronologers and> Divines : So that Holy-day - keepers cannot affirm that they do com- memorate opus dies in die fuo, the Lord having hid it, as he did the. Body: of Mofes, to prevent Idolatry. The fierce Contention for the fpace of two hundred Years or there about between the Greek and Latin Churches, about the time of cele- brating Eafter is famous in Ecclefiaftical Hiftory : TheEaftern Church es kept it on the fourteenth day of the firft Month, when the Jews kept their Paffover; from whence they were called quarto- decimani. But the Weitern Churches kept it upon the Chriftian Sabbath in com- memoration of Chrift's Refurre kion, who rofe upon the firft Day And both fides pretçndedApoftolical Tradition for their different Pra- £3ice. The difference grew fo hot, that Visor Bithop of Rome, being, full of the Spirit of Antichrift, excommunicated all theAftan Churches, as being Fourteeners, and as fudaizers. Afterwards Con.ftantine the Great called the Council of Nice to compote thefe differences in the Churches, who thought it belt to keep it upon the day ofChrift's Refurre&ion;,. but theyy had done better, if they had utterly abolished it ; as thegreat reforms