The manifoldfnfulnefs of the Popifli Ho 1y-drys.. 467 reforming Parliament did in England. But thus we fee what a Bone of Contention Easter has been. And as for Chrifinws, it Bath been clearly evinced by many learned Men, that there is a wide Miftake in the common Account, which pla- 'ceth the Birth of Chrift upon the five and twentieth of December. Mr. Alin (Chain of Scripture Chronology, Period. 7. Numb. 6o. pag. 233. ) gives thefe Reafons againft it. r. Becaufe it io not probable that the Shep- herds were abroad all Night long, keeping of their Flocks in the very deep of Winter. Luke 2. 8. 2. Neither is it like that Auguftus would by his De- cree enjoin all his Subjef#s to travel at that time ofthe Year to their chief City to be taxed. Luke 2. r. 3. Nor is it probable that John did go into the River Jordan with the People that were baptized of him in the very coldeft part ofthe Year ; for he baptized in Jordan when 7efus was entring upon his thirtieth Tear. Luke 3. 23. It is therefore much more probable, that the Birth ofChrift was in the Month of September. SoScaliger (de Emend. tempor.) conceives, for which he reafons from the Conception of7ohrt theBaptiift. And Mr. Allin alto is of the fame Judgment, which he ga- thers from the halfWeek which the Angel, Dan. 9.27. feems tohold out to be between the Baptifm ofChrift and bis Death; for if there wahlull fomuch between them, bis Death being ju,í at the Fag-over, which was about the end ofour fir.f Month, called March; then his Baptifm nfu2 needs be about the latter end of September. Thus Mr. Allin, ubi fupra. Which Argu- ment indeed to me is very fatisfying, being grounded upon fuch clear Teftimonies of Scripture. For that Chrift was baptized and eatred upon hI Miniftry at thirty Years old, we find recorded, Luke 3. 23. and that he preached three Years and an half; betides other Arguments. may be gathered from that is Dan.9.27. in the midfl of the Week/hall the McJfahbe cut off; which is meant of a Prophetical Week containing feven Years: Therefore there muff be half a Week; that is, halfa Year above the three and thirtieth : Whereas the common Account makes but a quarter of a Year between the Nativity and Eafier. Of which much more might be faid ; but this is enough to chew, that the Feftivals are grounded upon a very miftaken and uncertain Foundation, which is a further Evidence that they are not ofGod. Real. 5. It is a great Infringement of our Chriftian Liberty, when God bath given us fixDays wherein to fevve him in our Callings; Six Days (halt thou labour ; for Men to contradi& the Lord, and fay, thou fhalt not labour fix Days. Whymay they not as well control the o- ther part of theCommand, and fay, thou (halt not rest upon the Sab- bath Day ? For, as Mr. Cartwright ( Firff Reply, pag. 152. ) bath well obferved; If the Church may reflrain the Liberty that God bath given acs, 0002 it