470 The manifoldfrigfulnefs of the Popafl Holy-days. peradventure by order from force Prophet,as we find in Zecb. 8. they chug.: ed their Fails into Feafts by the Mouthof the Lord by the Miniftry of the Prophet. And the' we do not read exprefly, that the Lord gave Commandment to them by any of his Prophets for this :Feaft of Purim forafnzuch as it flands approved in Scripture, there is no doubt, faith Mr. -Cartwright, but it was done by Warrant from God. Reib offecond Reply, p. 193.194. Obj. 3. The Feaft of Dedication, Yoh. U. az, 23. Anfit,. This alfo hath been obje&ed from the time of theWaldenfes, But. I. It is not certainly known what Feaft of Dedication this was, and whether meetly of Humane Inftitution : Some take it for that which Solomon appointed, others afcribe it to Ezra, others to the Maccabees. See Ames Fret') Suit, part 2, pag. 318. And it is oblerved by learned Men concerning thofe declining Times, that the latter yews appointed many Farts and Fealts, as maybe fen in their Kalender, which they bad no Warrant for out of the Word of God. So Mr. Weems, Vol. r. concerning the Scripture Prolegom. cap. 3. pag. 6o. 2. Neither is there any Evidence that Chrift approved this Feaft of Dedication. The Text only faith, that he walked then in Solomon's Porch, which he might do without obfervingor approving the Feaft. Thofe Circumftances of Time and Place being noted by the Evangelift for Evidence to the Story, as Mr. Gillefpy (Engl. Pop. Cerem. part 3. cap.6. pag. 103.) well obferveth, and not for any Myftery. If this Feaft was nothing but a Tradition of the Elders, we may be fare that Chrift,who teflified againft other Inventions of Men, did never obferve this. Obj. 4. The Apoftle ( fay force) feems to fpeak of it, as a thing in- different and lawful to regard a Day to the Lord, Rom, 14. 5, 6. Anfv. TheScope of that place is not to area the Truth of their O- pinion, who made a difference of Days and Meats ; ( far it is evident frommany Scriptures, that they were inan Error ;) but to forbid and reprove an unbrotherly Spirit one againft another, for fuch differences of Opinion ; which Reproof falls heavy upon the greateft Patrons and AfFertors of thefe Popifh Holy-days for they have ufed much unbro- therly Violence againft Diffenters. Moreover, there was a greater la- titude of Chriftian Charity and Indulgence due to the weak ,Jews in their Adherence for a time to Mofes, then can be claimed by fuch as ad- here to the Church of Rome. Obj. 5. Some diftinguifh between the Superftitienand the Hofpitality of Chriflmas, and the fuperflitious part they condemn, but plead hard for the.hofpitable Part, as they call it. Anfir,