The manifoldjmnfülnefs of the Pop /i Holy-days. 471 Anfm. The Feafting and Sporting is an Appendix to the Worthip, or rather to the Superstition, and therefore stands or falls together with it. The Apoftle therefore calls them Idolaters even for their Feafting and Sporting, t Cor. io. 7. neither be ye Idolaters, as wereTome ofthem, as it is written, the People fate down to eat and drink, and rofe up to play. And if we read the Story of that Idolatry of the Calf, Exod. 32. we (hall find that it was celebrated much after the fame manner that Chrifimas is, or rather fomewhat better ,' for they rot up early on the Morrow, and offered Burnt - Offerings and Peace-Offerings : So that it feems they went to Church and faid their Prayers molt devoutly in the Morning, and then theyfate down to eat and drink, and rofe up to play, Ver. 6. and there was fhouttng, andjinging, and dancing, and a great deal of mad Mirth - amongft them, Ver. 18. 19. Sober Mirth, and the temperate ufe of the good Creatures of God, is lawful at any time of the Year, and there never was any Minifter that preached or fpake againft that. But to have better Cheer upon a Popifh Holy-day then at another time, meer- ¡y upon this Account, becaufe, forfooth, it is an Holy-day, this is Su- perflitious. And the revelling and Rioting and Luxury, which is ufual at thofe Times, is every way an hindrance to Hofpitality, and not a furtherance to it, that which might and ought to be bettowed in a way ofLiberality to the Poor, being mifpent and laviflr'd away in vain Pro- digality and Luxury. Obj. 6. I meet with one who difallows thofe Days that are dedica- ted to Chrift, but hath a better Opinion of the Saints -days. His words . are there. " Nor for my part ( faithhe) do I- make any fcruple to " keep a Day in Remembrance of any eminent Servant of Chrift or " Martyr, to praife God for their Dof}rine or Example, and honour " their Memorial : But the hardeft part of the Qelion is, whether " it be lawful to keep Days as Holy, in celebrating the Memorial of Chrift's Nativity, Circumcifion, Falling, Transfiguration, Afcenfiora " and fuch like. Mr. Richard Baxter of Church Gov, and Worth. difp. 5. - c, 413. Anfw. This learned Man is very fingular in this Opinion; as well as in many others, and it is contrary even to the common Senfe and Rea- fon of molt Chriftians, yea of molt Men, to think the Days dedicated to Saints more allowable then thofe in Remembrance of the Aaions of Chrift himfelf. Our Divines againft the Papifts condemn the Saints- - days, as much more intolerableand inexcufable then the other. Sipiumm bonum effet ( faith judicious Ames Bell. Entry. tom. 2. lib. 6. cap. lo. thef. I z. ) infiituere diesfoflos, tota bec pietas melius collocaretur in tot cow memorationibus faflorum Cbrifii quoi Ecclefia fern poffet, Tram ut ad San,