The manifoldfnfulnefs ofPopfl Holy-days. 47f Fox Aids and Monson. Vol. z. Pag. 386. whereupon he abrogates a Number of them, and efpecially fuch as fell in the Harveft time. And ttus the Work was begun. But the total Extirpation of them was a Work and Honour refer- ved by God for the Great Parliament, who in their Directory, pag. ult. have declared, that Feltival Days vulgarly called Holy - days, having no Warrant in the Word ofGod, are not to be continued. And in their Ordi- nance of Tune 8. 1647. they do utterly abolifh them in thefe Words " Forafmuch as the Feafts of the Nativity of Chrift, Ea.tif1er and Whit- " funtide., and other Fettivals commonly called Holy-days, have been " heretofore fuperftitiouflyufed and obferved, be it ordained by the " Lord's and Commons aWembled in Parliament, that the faid Feaft of " the Nativity of Chrift, Eafter and Whitfuntide, and all other Fefti- 41. val Days, commonly called Holy-days, be no longer obferved as Fe- " Rivals or Holy-days within the Kingdomof England and Dominion " of Wales. Any Law, Statute, Cullom, Conftitution, or Canon to " the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. See Mr. Scobel's Collet-hors " anno 1644. cap. 51. and anno 1647. cap. 81. And now to fee thefe and other Abominations by the Prelatick Par- ty conjured up again from the Grave, and from the bottom of Hell, after fuch a Funeral, he faid well, who faid it is almoft as prodigious and as ghaftly a Sight, as to fee a dead Ghoft walking up and down with his Winding Iheet about him ; but God will fhortly bury them again, and Peal theTomb-ftone upon them, never to rife more : For he hath faid, I hate, I defpifeyoisr Fea.;b- See Cal. in Amos days, I will not finell your Holy-days, Amos 5. 21. 5. 21. wherein, as the molt judicious Interpreters obferve, he doth not only reprove their Hypocrify in reference to his own blefred Days, but alto their Idolatry and Superftition in obferving Days of their own. Oh ! That God would fet home this Text by the Power of his Spirit Upon the Confciences of Holy-day-keepers to convince and huínble them. How dreadful are thefe Words ! I bate, Idefpife your Feaft-days, I will not finell your Holy-days ; that is, I will never accept them. PPP 2 THE