476 .............. =1 THE Superftitious Vanity of the POPISH MUSI CK in thewort-hipof God. THis is fuch a ftrange fuperftitious Vanity, that it is generally counted in thefe knowingTimes, as it was ofoldby 7uflin Mar- tyr, (Duell. &Refp. 107.) childifh and ridiculous, infomuch that it doth expofe the Papifts and their way of Worfhip to much Contempt and Laughter : And therefore I fhould have thought it needlefs to fpeak much againft a thing fo generally exploded, but that Mr. R. B. hath difcovered and declared himfelf for it, as a thing in it felf lawful and warrantable: His Words are thefe : For Organs or other Inftruments of Mufck in God's Wor(hip, they being an help, partly Natural, and partly Artificial, to the exhilarating of the Spirits for the Praife of God ; I know no Argument to prove them limply unlawful, but what would prove a Cup of Wine unlawful, or the Tune, and Meeter, and Melodyof ftnging unlawful ; but yet if any would abufe it, by turning God's Worfhip into, carnal Pomp and Levity, efpecially by fuck non- intelligible fsnging or bleating, as fome ofour Chorifers ufed, the common People would have verygreat caufe to be weary ofit, as accidentally Evil. Thus he, DO). of Burn. Cer. p. 4i z. But Bellarminehath faid more then this for it in fewer Words. Cum er ha- beamus ( faith he) exemplum Teltamenti veteris, err experiamur devotia- nem per earn excitari & tedium minuí, Bell. de Miffa. lib. 2. cam 1. and he gives as grave and learned Counfel againft the Abufe ofthem.. In ipfis Organfis (faith he) non nifi resfacras & pia/5 fobrie &graviter expri- mendas, neque enim leve peccatum eft, fiquis lafcivum aliquid Organfis lu- dat & audientium animos non adpietatern, fed ad amorem mundi accendat. Bell, de .ion. Oper. inparticul. lib. r. cap. 17. The anfwering of which Obje&ions and Pretences will fufficieritly difcover the Vanity and groundlefnefs of this Superftition, and that it is more then accidental- ly Evil. And