Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

Popish Mulck in the T orfhip of God. 477 And firft to that plaufible ObjeEtion of Bellarmine, from the ufe of them in the Old reflament : to begin with the ftrongeft Argument fiat for this is the molt fpecious, and hath the greateft feeming weight. We anfwer, That altho' the dews had Mufical Inftruments in the Wor- Ihip of God under the Law, yet that they are no part of Gofpel-wor- ¡hip : Thefe Confiderations may evince. Firft, There was then a clear word of. Inflitution for them. The Trumpets of Silver and Cornets of Horn were inftituted by the Hand of Mofes, Numb. To. in the ten first Verfes, and Levit. 23. 23, 24. we read alfo in Mofes his Time, of Timbrels ufed in the publickPrai- fes of God by Miriam the Prophetefs, Exod. 15. 2o. And in David's Time we read of Organs alfo, and ten- ftringed Inftruments, and Cym- bals of Brafs, and Harps, and Pfalteries of fine Wood, 2 Sam. 6. 5. Pfal. x49.3. and 1504. 2 Chron. 16. 4, 5. and thefe Mufical Inftrui ments were not brought into God's Worfhip by David of his own Head, but by Authority and Direction from God. For fo was theCom- mandment of the Lord by biz Prophets, faith the Text, 2 Chron. 29. 25. and therefore they are called the mufical Infiruments of God, i Chron. 16. 42. and Inftruments of Mufick of the Lord, 2 Chron. 7.6. with re- lation to God as the Author and Inftitutor of them. For the Lord's Name in the Scripture phrafe is never fet upon things of Humane In- vention, but only upon things of Divine Inftitution; as the Lord's: Supper, the Lord's Day, the Lord's Feafis, the Lord's Altar, &c. fo here the Lord's Inftruments of Mufsck. And indeed had there not been fuch a Stamp of God upon them, they had been abominable; and thofe words of God by the Prophet Amos, 5. 23. might juftlyhave been ap- plied unto them, Take away from me the noif of thy Songs, for I will not hear the melody of thy Viols; or of thy Organs, as fome tranflate that word, vid. Tarnov. in loc. For the Lord rejects with loathing whatever he hath not commanded ; refpuit quicquid non praxepit, as Calvin obferves upon that Text : A Text which condemns the mutterings of the Mafi- Priefls, and the bellowings of the Friars and Nuns, wherewith the Churches and Chappels in the Papacy eccho ; to ufe thewords of the learned Lu- theran Tarnovius upon that place. But there is not one word of Inftitution for them under the Gofpel, neither exprefly nor by Confequence: But on the contrary, they are clearly cafhiered and excluded out of theGofpel- worlbip, by that ge- neral Rule which the Apoftle lays down concerning all the parts of God's Worfhip, x Cor. Lg.. 26. Let all things be done unto, edyfying, with ver. i 5. I will fing with the Spirit, and I will fing with Vnderftandingalfo and verf i I. If 1 know not the meaning of the Voice, he that fpeaketh jhaü,. b,