PopeMrcfick in thaWor/hip ofGod. 479 (Au. fecund. fecunda Q . 91. art. 2. ad 4..) who durft never have con- demned them as Jewifh, and Typical, and Carnal, if they had been generally received in the Church of Rome in his time, who lived about 400 Years ago. And it is Cajetans obfervation upon him, Nota quod tempore Divi 'Mama Ecclefa non utabatur Organis. Cajet. in Thom. And Bellarmine himfelf (de Bon. Oper. in partie. 1. I. c. i 7.) confeffeth, in Ecciefia Fero admitti cepiffe, the primitive and pureft times knew them not fo that they are a very late invented Superftition. And this is the fiat Confideration againft them, There was a clear word of In ftitution for them under the Law, but not fo, but the contrary under the Gofpel. 2. We do not find that thefe Mufical Inftruments amongft the Jews were a part of their Synagogue- worfhip, which was moral and perpetual ; but rather of their Temple- worfhip, which was Ceremo- nial, and is now vanifhed away. We find in the Scripture, that they had in their Synagogues the publick Moral Worfhip of God, as reading and expounding the Law, &c. every Sabbath-day, Luke 4.. 16, 20, 21. Alb r 3. 15. and 15. 21. Some think they ufed Trumpets there alfo, to call the People together ; but if they did, this was a Moral ufe of them, for which we ufe the ringing of a Bell. But the Scripture is clear and exprefs, that their Inftruments of Mufrck were appointed to be ufed in their extraordinary folemn Feafts,as in the Tear ofjubilee in the Day of Atonement, Lev. 25. 9. and continually before the Ark, i Chronó 76.4., 5, 6. And the Singers and Trumpeters ftood at the Eaft-end of the Altar at the Dedication of the Temple in Solomon's time, 2Cbron. 5. 12. And in Hezekiah's time, when the Burnt-offering began, the Song of the Lord began alto, with the Trumpetsand with tbe7nftruments ofMufrck -ordained by David King of Ifrael, 2Chron.29. 27, 28. But therefore feeing Chan is come, and hath ceufed the Sacrifice and the Oblation to ceafe, and the City and the Sanctuary being both deftroyed, as Dan. 9. i6, 27. All the Appendices thereof, all the Worship that was affixed thereto is ceafed with it. Are the Sacrifices of the Temple, the Priefts of the Temple, the Altars of the Temple, and all the other parts of Temple-worfhip ceafed, and doth the Mufick of the Temple continue ? 3. There was a typical fignification in them. And upon this ac- count they are not only rejeaed and condemned by the whole Army of Proteftant Divines ; as for inftance, by Zuingliva, Calvin, Peter Martyr, Zepperus, Paraos, Willet, Aynfworth, ,Imes, Calderwood, and Cotton, (Zuingl. Aft. difp. 2. pag. 106. Calvin in Pfal. 33. Pet. Mart. in i Cor.. 14.. 7, $. Zepper. de leg. Mof lib. 4 c.9. p. 346. de