480 The fuperflitious Vanity of the pie Pol. Ecclef. lib. r. cap. i 3. p. rob. Pareus in r Cor. 14; 7. Wilt Synopf. Papi f p. 593. AynJworth on Pfalms, p. ult. of Mufick in Tem- ple. Ames's frefh Suit againft Ceremonies, part 2. cap. 4. fell. 6. pag, 405, 4o6. Didoclay. Altar. Damafc. cap. 8. p. 490, 491 &C. Cotton Mouth Singing of Pfalms, c. 3. p. r z.) who do with one teilifie againft them, molt of them exprefly affirming, that they are a part of the abrogated legal Pedagogy ; fo that we might as well recall the In- cenfe, Tapers, Sacrifices, New Moons, Circumcifion, and all the other shadows of the Law into ufe again. But Aquinas himfelf alfo, tho' a Popifh Schoolman, pleads againft them upon the fame Account, quia aliquid figurabant, and faith, the Church in his time did not ufe them, ne videat, r judaizare, left they Ihould feem to judaize, Aquin. fecund. fecunde Queft. 91. Art. a. 4. Yea Tilenus himfelf, before his Apoftacy ; for what his Judgment was afterwards in this particular I do not know, but in his firft, which were his belt times, he faith, ynftrumenta inani- mata five ea fiat Tniapma five 'etenvevene quiconque in Eccleflam revocante Synagogum pridem fepultam bac in parte refodiunt ; operofum illud machina- mentum quod Autonomaftice vocant Organon Vitaliani Pare inventum ac donum iUis arrideat qui magne meretrici fupparaftari, quamCbriftiaae fim- plicitate ftudere malunt, non abfimiles Ethnicis quos Laftantius ad Templa ventitare ait, non tam Religions gratia quam ut videant & audiant quod obleFtet, lib. 2. cap. 7. & quibus publicorum Conventum finis non eft s uiaue, fed mcud) e, Syntag. part 2. di /p. 49. thef 49, 50. What it was, that was the Thing intended and fignified by thefe dark Shadows, is not without force obfcurity and difficulty to deter- mine. Bat yet it may be found out, as in other Types fo in this, by confidering the nature of the Thing it felf, and by diligently obferving the hints and intimations that are given by the Spirit of God in the Scripture. For the meaning of the Types is feldom fully and explicitly declared and held forth, but for the moft part briefly and obfcurely hinted, and fo left by God to be colleted by the Chriftian Wifdonl and lnduftry of his People. The Silver Trumpets then are conceived to hold forth the Promul- gation of the Gofpel, the Preaching of the pure Word of God by his $ee synfworth Melfengers. For which, as there is a clear and fair Ana- $e Numb. o. logy and Proportion in the Things themfelves, fo there be force hints of Scripture that feem evidently to look this way. As when Solomon faith, The Tongue of the yufb ie co choice Silver, Prov.i 0.20, fo the Meflengers of God are faid to lift up their Voice a5 aTrumpet, Ifa. 58. r, fa the Trumpet to thy ;Mouth; Hof S. r. And in Ezek.