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Popilb Mufick in the Wor/bip ofGod. 481 Ezek. 33. 3 -6. the faithful Difcharge and Execution of their Office is expreffed by blowing the Trumpet. So when it is Paid in that great Prophefy concerning the Reftaurationof the Jews, Ifa. 2,7.13. that in that Day thegreat Trumpet ¡hall be blown, it is underftood by Interpre- ters concerning the founding of the Silver Trumpet of the Gofpel throughout the World. So Calvin in Ifa. 27. 13. of whofe Renown for a fpiritual and folid Interpreter we need not fpeak ; Tuba. fpiritualis nempe Evangelij clangor, &c. So the Dutch Annotators in Ifa. 27, 13. underfiand by this great Trumpet in a Spiritual way the Trumpet ofthe Gof- pel, whereby God bath called and gathered unto himfella Church out of all People and Nations of the World. So Mr. Davenport of the true Meiliah, pag. 21. The founding ofTrumpets to give Notice of the ubilee typed out the preaching of the Gofpel, wbicb.began in John's Miniflry, and Chrift feconded it. Luke 4. 18, 22. And both thefe and all the rest oftheir Mufical Inftruments were Ex- preílions and Signs ofJoy, Pfal. 89. 15. and 98.6. Bleffed is the Peo- ple that know the joyful Sound, with Harp, with Trumpets, with found of Cornet make ajoyful Noife before the Lord the King. They were therefore fit Refemblances to fhadow out that heavenly Mufick and inward Melo- dy of the Joys and Graces of God's Spirit in the Hearts of his People, The Apoftle therefore exhorts us to fing unto the Lord ; but inftead of calling upon us for Mufical Inftruments, he requires the Spirit of Grace in the Heart, and Melody in the Heart, Eph. 5. i8, r 9. Col. 3. 16. Themaking a joyful Noife with Inftruments continueth not, (faithMr. Cot- ton of thetinging of Pfalms, cap. 3. pag. r 2.) Pave onlyfo far as it vs kept- alive in the Antitype, the Affeltions of our Hearts, our pr,ecordia making .Melody with theSongs andProfeffions of our Lips, and with the graciousand peaceable Converfations ofour Lives. Yea fo clear and obvious are thefe Significations ofthe Jewifh Mufick, notwithftanding fome little Obfcu- rity, that Tilenus himfelf, though dark enough inother Things, could not but fee it, fuch is the evidence of the Thing it felf. Feftum clan- goris ( faith he) continuant & fpiritualem leetitiam Evangelici precconij tuba excitandamdenotabat, the 'Feet ofTrumpets denotes thofe continu- al fpiritual Rejoycings, raifed in the Heart by the pleafant found of theTrumpet of the Gofpel, Syntag. par. r. difp. 32. chef. 61. 4. But fuppofe the Signification of the Jewifh Mufick could not be found out, as indeed it is an hard thing to find out the meaning of all thefe Types and Ceremonies : Yet, neverthelefs we are delivered by Jefus Chrift not only from their Types and Ceremonies, but alfo from all their Yokes and Burthens, and from all fuch Ordinances and Ob- fervations as did befit them and belong unto them, as in that Elate Qq q of