Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

482 Thefu ierfitious Vanity of the of Infancy and Childhood. 7unius therefore upon the Hiftory of Mi- riams praifing the Lord with Timbrels and with Dances, diftinguifh- eth thus : Eorum pee lege imperata runt, alia ad rei futuree pra ignifioatio- nem pertinuerunt, alía (ingularem illius Ecclefce habuerunt ftgnificationem. Q_uæcenque res futura5 preeftgniftcaverunt ea poll Complementum in Cbrifio x furpare eit impium ; per Eccle(sa illius fseerunt propria velfnguiaria, ea- dem urine. of rpare eft rid:culum, fun. in Exod.i s. 20. which overthrows that deceitful Rule of Bellarmine, which he repeats and makes ufe of again and again,when he faith,Ceremoni Yudaorssm propri e runt ilia quaad aliud futurunnJgnificandum erant inftitut e. At Ceremonia qua f. ndantur in Ratione naturali, Kt genua fieftere E'J'ftmiles non font propriee fudeorum, at- que ad hoc geniis pertinent Inflrumenta Mufica ; porro talem effe Temploru?n Dedicationem apparet, &c. Bell. tom. 2. de Citltu Sansj. lib. 3. cap. 50 ( tom. 3. de Mi¡fa lib. z. cap. t 5. & tom. 4. de Bon. Oper. in particul. lib. i. cap. 16. where befides the impropriety of Expreflion (for kneeling in Prayer is not fo fitly called a Ceremony, being an outward Gefture, which both the Scripture recommendeth, and Nature teacheth and di- re&eth to) his Diftincîion is lame and defè&ive, and his Rule falle. For it is not Natural Reafon but Divine Inftitution that is the Founda- tion of religious Ceremonies, as is molt apparent in the two Sacra- ments of Baptifm and the Lord's Supper. Doth natural Reafon teach there ? Neither will his Rule stand, that nothing is proper to theYews,, but only Inch Ceremonies as fignify force future Thing. For a plen- teous Induáion of Inftances might be given, in fundry legal Burthens and Ordinances of thole Times, which we all account our felves deli- vered from, tho' we do not well know what typical Signification to afiïgn unto them. It will be hard to demonftrate what typical Signi- fication there was in that Reftraint of the initiating Seal precifelq to the eighth Day ; or in that Law, that a Man (hall marry his deceafed Brother's Wife, to 'Ale up Seed unto his Brother, with many other Things of the like Nature, which yet are not now in Force. And upon this Account alto, this Inftrumental Mulick is rete&ed by many judicious Writers, as being a Burthen laid upon the Jews, or an Indulgence allowed unto them in that Elate of Infancy; but now the time of Gofpel- Freedom is come, Galat. 4. q., s. fudais fuerat per.- miffum propter infirmitatem cordisfins, faith Chryfofiom in Pfal. a 5o. Quia papuiats erat magic dunes ò carnalis, Aquin fecund. fecund& qu..9i. art. 2, ad q.. Veteri dune cervicis flupide mentis populo Deus olim indulfit. Pa- reus in r Cor. 14.7. " Suppofe ( raith Mr. Cotton) tinging with In- " ftruments were not typical, but only an external Solemnity of Worthip, fitted to the folace of the outward Senfes of Children un- der