Pope Mufick in the Worfiip ofGod. 483 " der Age, fuch as the Ifraeiites were in the Old Teftament, Gala. " 4. I, 2, 3. yet now in the grown Age of the Heirs of the New Te- " ftament, fuch external pompous Solemnities are ceafed, and no ex- " ternal Warfhìp refereed, but fuch as holdeth forth Simplicity and " Gravity ; nor is any Voice now to be heard in the Church of Chrift, but fuch as is fignificant, and edifying by Signification, a Cor. i4. " c to, I r, 26. which the Voice of Inftruments is not. Mr. Cotton of " finging of Pfalms, cap. I. pag. 6. 5. If that Inftitution under the Law be binding to us in Gofpel- Times, I do not fee how it will be avoided, but it will bring in the whole Jewifh Mufick, as well as force part ofit. And thenwhy fhoold we not have Trumpets in the Worfhip of God as well as Organs ? For the Jews had Trumpets alfo And why muff we have them only in Cathedral Churches, and in the King's Chappel, feeing there is no Pre-eminence or Difference of Places under the NewTeftament ? If Organs be too dear for every poor Parifh; yet, as Mr. Caldermood ob- ferves, they might get Citherns or Bagpipes. Here inflrumentalis Mu- fsca (faith he ) fi apta cultui divino in Ecclefsa Chrifiiana, cur denegatur ßngulis pareciis ò conceditur tantum Cathedralibas Ecclefiis dr Sacellis Re- gis ? Si [amptaofum fit Organon, fufficiet Tibia utricularis aut Cythara. Di- doclay. Altar. Damafc. cap.8. pag. 494. Or they might follow the Ex- ample of force fuperftitious Chriftians at Yerufalem, mentioned by Sir George Sandys, " who inftead of Mufical Inftruments have Sawcers of " Brafs, which they ftrike one againft another, fet about with Jingles. Sir G. S. Relation of a Yourney in 1610. lib. 3. pag. 173. And would not this be very graveand folemn Worfhip ? And why fhould therenot be Dancing in the Worfhip of God as well as Piping ? For thofe old Idolaters in Exod. 32.6, 19. of whom thefe in our Times are the ge- nuine Offspring and Pofterity, did not only lhout, but alfo danced and plaid before their Idol : Or, if they like not that Example, which ne.. verthelefs they imitate and follow, they may read of David's leaping and dancing before the Ark, and that with Divine Acceptance and Ap- probation, 2 Sam. 6. as alto Miriam the Prophetefs, Exod. I g. 2oë which if they think it was not a precedent for Gofpel-times, let them give any Reafon for it, which may not be applied as well againft the Jewifh Mufick. 6. I need not fay what a troop of Church- Officers this kind of Wor- fhip introduceth, of whom the Scripture is wholly filent, and hath left no Direaiou to us, how they fhouldbe qualified, how called, how maintained, nor what the Work and Duty of their Office is. Thofe M1luuitians of old among the Jews, as Mr. Hilder(hamobferves, were all QA q 2 Levites,