484 The fuperffitious Vanity of the Levites, and had a fpecial Fundion and Calling in that Church by God's Appointment, whereupon they were wholly to attend, and whereunto theywere enabled by fpecial Gifts receivedfrom God. Hild. on Pfal. 51. Le1. t . P.3. Of their diligent Attendance upon the Work, fee i Chron. 9. 33. And thefe are the Singers, chiefof the Fathers of the Levites, wbo remaining in the Chambers werefree, for they were imptoyed in that Work Day and Night. And 2. for their Gifts and Abilites, fee i Chron. 15. 22. Chenaniah infiruited about the Song, for he wfvs skilful: And i Chron. 25. 7. the number ofthem that inftrufted in the Songs of the Lord, even all that were cunning were 288. Yea 3. they had alfo fpecial Maintenance appointed and provided for them, 'hence we read of a certain Portionfor the Sing- ers due every Day, Nehem. r i 23. and all Ifrael in the Days of Zerub- babel and of Nehemiah gave the Portions of the Singers and the Porters eve- ry Dayhis Portion, Nehem. 12. 47. But Chrift hath left no Dire&ion to us about any fuch Officers in the Churches of the New Teftament :- We read of Paftors, Teachers, Eiders and Deacons, but of Chorifters andSingingmen nothing. And ifwe fay the Church may appoint them, this will open a Gap for all humane Inventions, Prelates, Popes and Cardinals came in at this Door. And being not appointed by Chrif}, they mutt needs be a great Bur- then to theChurch. Hence Erafmue juftly complains, Oper'ofam quan- dam& tbeatricam Muficam in facraa cedes indxximus, tumultuofumdiver- farum vocum garritum, qualem non opinor in Gracorum ant Romanorum Thheatris unquam auditum fuiffe. In hunt ufum magnis falariis aluntur puero- rum greges quorum omnis arms in perdifcendis hujufmodi gannitibus confumi- tur. Tantis fumptibus oneratur Ecclefia ob rem peftiferam, &c. " We " have brought ( faith he) a tedious and theatrical Mulck into the " Church, a tumultuous Noife of many Voices, fach as I think was ne ec ver heard in the Greek or Roman Theaters. For which Purpofe " whole flocks of Boys are maintained at a great Charge, whole. Age `¢ is wafted in learning this gibble- gabble, (as Dr. Ames renders it ) fuch Charges is the Church loaden with for fuch apeftiferous thing. Erafm. in t Cor. tq.. apud Ames Frefh Suit, part 2. cap. 4. pag. 405. But this may fuffice to that firft Ob¡eaion from the life of them un- der the Law.. Thefe fix Confiderations may fufficeto thew that never- thelefs they are no part of Gofpel-worthip. Now for tbat other Objellionfrom Experience. If none but Bellarmiáe had told us that they excite Devotion, and make the Wor/hip ofGod left tedious, we might altogether pats it by, as beingbut the Experience of a fefuite: But feeing a better Man affirms the fame thing, and.pleadeth taint tile" are an beip partly Natural and partly Artificial to the exhilarating of