Pope Wick in the Worfhip ofGod. 485' of the Spirits for the Praife of God, we mull briefly confider this Ob- jealon alfo. Now the Anfwer to it is in two words ; If it be meant ( as it feems to be ) of true fpiritual Delight and Devotion, the Af- fumption is falfe, viz. that Organs in the Worfhip of God have any fuch virtue. But if it be meant of meer natural Delight, the Confequence is falfe and feeble, viz. that therefore they may be ufed in tlae Wor fhip of God. T. The truth of this Affuiaption, viz. the efficacy of Organs in the Worfhip of God to excite Delight or Devotion, may juftly be denied. Chraftoviiss queftions it, Vtrum agent promoveant vel ttedium minuant ne fcio : Chraftov. Prax. de Cerem. ¿J' Can. Miff. the! 42. apud Didocl,pag.493. But Zuinglius thunders againfi it. Ecclefiafticum ilium Cantum é7 Tcm- plorum Boatus, ab ip/ls quoque Sacerdotibus non intellellos, abujum ftultum inanem, imo pietatis verte remoram perniciofsj]imam ere conftat. " It is mote apparent (faith he) that that fame Church-chaunting, and " thole bellowings in our Temples, which alfo the very Priefts them- " felves do not underftand, is a molt foolifh and vain Abufe, and a " molt pernicious let and hindrance to true Piety. Zuing. All. difp. z. " pag. i o6 apud Ames Frefh Suit, p. 406. So that he accounted it not an help and furtherance of Devotion, but a molt pernicious hindrance. Aquino obferves, which is alfo quoted and approved by the judicious Ames, Magus animismmovent ad delellationem, quam ut per ea formetur interius bona difpofttio, they do rather ftir it' ubi juera.. up theMind to delight, then frame it to a right Difpo- Mmes ubi juera. lidos, they raife natural rather than true fpiritual Joy. And fo that intelligent and learned Gentleman Sir EdwinSandys obferves, concern- ing the Popifh Worfhip, " that beingnot underftood by the People, " it is not able to hold them with any fpiritual Content, their Service " being no other then as a Lamp put out, which bringeth no Light at " all to the Underftanding, neither can bring any due warmth to the " Affe&íons, theone being infeparable from the other. And were it " not that their Mufick, Perfumes, and rich Sights did hold the out- " ward Senfes with their natural Delight,furely it couldnot be but either " abandoned for the fruitlefnefs, or only upon fear and conftraint " frequented, Sir E. S. of the State of Religion in the Weffern Parts,p. , g We fee then, that in the Judgments of all thefe learned Men, Mufical Inftruments in the Worfhip of God tend rather to affea the Senfes and tickle the Ear with natural and fenival Delight, than to edifie theSoul and raife the Heart unto any true fpiritual delight and rejoycing in the Lord. And