486 The fiíperfitious Vanity of the And whether their Witnefs be not true, let the Scriptures of Truth judge. For Experience muff be brought to the Scripture, as the Ex- ample to the Rule, and it it fwerve from that Rule, it is but the corrupt Experience of a deceived Heart, But that Experience that Bellarmine alledgetb, of Devotion railed by Mufical Inflruments in the Worfhip of God, is contrary to the Scriptures. For it is an everlafting Scrip- ture-truth, and a Rule as fure as Mount Sion, that the Inventions ofMen are fit for nothing but to deaden the Heart and quench the Afefiions, but they will never raife them, nor kindle one fpark of any true fpiritual Affe&ion in the Soul. The graven Image is profitable for nothing, Ifa. 44. ro. In vain do they worfhip me, teaching for Dotirines the Command- ments of II?en, Matth. Is. 9. Hence when a blind Papift weeps over the Crucifix, and his Heart is melted into Tears, he doth but bedabble it with carnal Tears, as fome have well exprefFed it. For what God loath not appointed he doth not, he will not own andbiefs. But this inftrumental Mufick in the Worfhip of God is an Invention of Man ; it is fuch an help to Devotionas God hath not appointed : Therefore it cannot raife the Heart, nor kindle one fpark of true Devotion and fpiritual Affeai- on in the Soul : So that the AiI'umption is utterly falle. 2. The Confgaence alto is falle and vain. For although there be a Civil Life of Mulick for lawful Delight to exhilarate and refrefli the Spirits, about which there is no Controverfie; for I know none that queftions it, and that this ufe of it, and refrelbment by it, ought to be Improved to the Glory and Praife of God, is a thing beyond all Dif pute; yet this is no fufficient ground for the ufe of it in the Worfhip of God. For all the lawful Enjoyments, and Comforts, and Content- Ynents of this Life, are in this fettle helps for the exhilarating of the Spirits to the Glory and Fraile of God, whatever ye do, whether ye eat or drink, do all to the Glory and Praife of God, i Cor. i o. 31. fo when we Rea and Sleep, a gracious Heartknows how to do every thing for this great end; but doth it therefore follow that Men may Sleep at Church ? I hope not. To fee Boys and Girls playing in the Streets of Jerufalem, will.doubtlefs much exhilarate and awaken the Spirits of their godly Parents to praife God, when that Promife flail be fulfilled, Zech. 8. 5. but doth it therefore follow that Boys may play at Church? So here, ? the Application is eafy. And therefore Pardus having )(hewed that the end of Mufical Inftruments is vel deletare vel excitare animum, he thus preoccupates this Obje&ion, " But it is a fimple thing ( faith he) for " any Man to think, from this to defend the ufe of Organs in the Wor- cc (hip of God. For the Soul is to be railed up to God and fpiritual " rejoycing, in the Church and publick Aflemblies, not by Pipes and 6ç Trumpets