Popifh 1llufick in the Worfip of God 487 " Trumpets, which God indulged of old to that ftiff-necked People, " but by the preaching of the Word, the Pinging of Pfalms, &c. Hine vero Organorum ufum in 7emplvs vele defendere ineptum eft. In Eccleftta enim excitandus eft animus ad Deum& hetitiam fpiritualem, non Tibivs, 'Tali)5, Tympanis, quad veteri duce cervicis & f upida mentii papilla Deus olim indulftt, fed facris Cancionibus, Pfalmodiis, d?' Hymns. Thofe folemn Caveats therefore before- mentioned againft the abufe of this Cathedral Mufick, are to as much purpofe as the wafhing of a Blackamore to change his Colour. For who can bring a clean thing out of that which is unclean ? The thing it felf being finful and unlawful, it is not capable of any Regulation, but requires an utter Extirpation and Rooting out. Such CounfeIs as thefe, againft abufe of that which is finful, are not unlike the Laws made by KingHenry the Second, in the times of Popifh Profanenefs and Daxknefs, for the Regulation of Stews and Whorehoufes, as that no Stewholder fhould receive any Man's Wife, nor keep any Woman againft her Will, if out of remorfe of Confcience the would leave that lewd Life, &c. upon which a late Hiftorian well ob- ferves, " That fuch Canons and Conftitutions could not make them, " who were bad in themfelves to be good, though " they might happily keep force who were bad from Dr. Fuller's Hiftory of " being worfe. For though natural Poifons may by rpag,agog Book " Art be fo qualified and correaed, to make them " Cordial; yet moral Poifons, viz. things finful of themfelves can. " never be fo ordered and regulated, but that ítill they will remain " finful and unlawful, the only way to order and amend being to re- " move and extirpate them. And therefore King Henry the Eighth did utterly fupprefs thofe Brothel- houfes, And the like courfe thofe two and Thirty grave learned Men, who were chofen in King Edward's Days to reform Ecclefiaflical Laws and Obfervances, thought fitto take with this fuperftitious Mufick, which the Church of Rome bath gone a whoring after. lrbratam i1lam&operofam Muftcam gsie figurata dicitur auferri placet. It likes us well (fay they) to have this quavering and curious kindof M ftck quite taken assay. De Divinis Officiis, ca. g. apedAmefiunti ubi fupra. And the Reformed Churches abroad have laid it afide witlF one confent, as hath been fhewed, whereby it is evident, that they did not account it a good thing abufed, but a thing finful and evil in it felf. So likewife the great Parliament in their Ordinance of May 9. 1644. in Mr. Scobell's Collelllion, Anno 1644. Chap. 38. thus releCt them. The Lords and Commons affembled in Parliament, the bet- " ter to accomplifh the bleil'ed Reformation fo happily begun, and to remove all Offences and things illegal in the Worlhip of God, do. £ ordain