To the READER. 489, private AfeEl-ion of fome particular Perfons here and there ; befides a great cloud of Witneffes againfl them, not- only from among Proteflant Writers, but many of the very Papiils themfëlves, and forme in the elder Ages of Chrflianity. Moreover this Ilifcoasrf e of our Author was writ- ten in or near the time ofhis unhappy Leifre after the memorable Bar- tholomew, 1662. and therefore before that Book of learned Voetius came forth. Moreover it is certain that this Mufick in the Worfhip of God is a ,much later Invention then many other Popifb Corruptions are An Organ was long unknown in France or Germany, theßrîb of thembe- ing brought to KingPipin by Stephen B,fhop of Rome, and other Em- baffadors from Conftantinus Copronymus, as that excellent HiHoriars and Antiquary Aventinus bath it, Res adhuc Gallis &Germanis in- cognita, Organon appellant. Annal. Boior. lib. 3. pag. 300. Edit. Ingolft. 1554. which is feconded by Amoinus ; who adds, that after- wards one George á Grecian Presbyter undertook to make onefor Lewis the Emperor. His Words are thefe, Adduxit vero Baldricus Domino Imperatori Presbyterum quendam Georgium nomine, bonevitæ ho- minem, qui fe promitteret Organum more poffe Græcorum com- ponese. Quem Imperator' gratanter fufcepit, & quia Deus illi quæ ante fe inufitata erant Regno Francorum attribuebat, gratiarum aaiones reddidit, ac Tanculfo facrorum fcriniorum Pr elato commen- davit, publiifque ftipendiis curare jeflit, & ea quæ huic operi ne- ceffariaforent præparare mandavit, de Gelt. Franc. lib. 4. cap. 64. & cap. 114. This is placed by Calvifius in the Tear 826. and that fent to Pipin was about threefcore and ten Tears before. The' withal Iknow fome Writers 'give them fomewhat an older Handing. The Centurifls of Magdeburg have .thefe Words, Cent. 7. cap. 6. Tandem anno 666. in pleno numero Beltize Apocalypfis 13. cantum Latinum cumOrganis Ecclefoe a Vitaliano Pontifici fufceperunt, miffamque deinde, &c. At lath in the Year 666. in the full number of the Beaft in the 13th of the Revelations, theChurches ( they (peak of the Churches in Eng- land) received Latine Singing withOrgans front Pope Vitalian, and thereafter began to fay Latine Mafs, and fet up Altars with idola- trous Images ; from whence followed both Prayers to the Dead and Exorcifms, and other prodigious Practices of the Papifts. For Which they there cite Bale. For my part, I fufpeîl they and he were therein deceived, both becaufe ofwhat is before-mentioned from Aven- tinus and Amoinus, and alfo becaufe of Aquinas's Y.udgment ofInfirm- mental Mufick in God's Worfhip, Secund. fecund Queft. 91. by whom itfuficiently appears they werenot then ingeneral Ofe ; and Durandus ( Ration. Div. Off. lib. 4. cap. 34. ) who lived and wrote for them a- R r r bout