Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

490 TotheREADER. hut the fame time or a little before, faith that in his Time Organs ufed to creak in fume Churches, in quibufdam Ecclefiis Organa concrepare folita, which he pleads for from the Prallice of David and Solomon : To which Reafon of Durandus, Aquinas anfwers, as the mot learned Dr. Reynolds judgeth, Genf. lib Apocr. tom. z. præl. i 87. And moreover the Romifh Synagogue it felf in the Prefence of the Pope ufeth not Organs, aT Voetius,ubi fupra, informs us from Navarrus, Molanus, and Cardinal Cajetan, he forfooth being in this tenacious of the primitive Simplicity. So far do thofe among as varyfrom the Pope, who have in- troduced them not into Cathedrals only, but into their Parifh Churches : Though they have neither Injunllion from the King's Majefly, nor Sta- tute of Parliament, nor Cannon of their own Convocations or .Synods, nor any Countenance theretofrom any Rubrick or Syllable in their own Books, that I can call to mind. But thofeMen whoglory in their own Conformi- ty to the publick Eflablifhment can thin notorioufly tranfgrefs it them- felves, and their Lordfhips the Bifhops can connive thereat in fuch an In- fiance as this. When any of the Conforming Clergy fhall be as forward to fwerve from the publick Eflablifhment on the other Hand, in a way of Departure from the Popifh manner of Worfhip, as they are in this, to tranfgrefs againfl it in .a way of 4 paoach to the Papifl's Mode bb'e fhall fee whether their Lordfhips the Bithops will be as indulgent towards them or not. In the mean time we may take it for granted that the King and Parliament never intended theA£1 ofUniformityfhould be violated in compliance with the Papifl's manner of Worfhip, and ferve as an En- - gine to bring Affliîtion upon great Numbers of other loyal, peaceable and -ufeful Subjells, who from Confcience, (tho' fuppofedly weak and mifla- ken) dare not conform to it in thofe things wherein it injoyns Conformi- ty with the Papifis. And what wonder is it, if many be ftrengthened in their Nonconformity, when the zealous Pleadersfor Conformity fhallgive Inflames neither few nor fmall of their little regard to their own avow- ed Rule ? THE