Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

49' T H E Gofpel of the Legal PRIESTHOOD. Heb. IV. 14. tan. 31. 1668. Seeing then that we have a great High Prie/1 that is paged into the Heavens, let us holdfail our Profeon. 1_, H E perpetual Statutes of the Ceremonial Law, we referred to five Heads. (t.) The initiating Seal ofCircumcifion. (a.) The Legal Sacrifices and Purifications. (3.) The Temple, With all theVeffels and Utenfils thereunto belonging. (q.. ) The Legal Miniftry. (Laftly,) The Legal Feftivals, or Legal Times and Seafons. Four of thefe five Heads we have fpoken to. The laic was that of the Feftivals, or Jewifh Holy-days, which we fpaketo be- fore this of the Priefthood, becaufe of thefe fuperftitious Times yet continued amongft us, which we borrow from the Jews, all whofe Ceremonial Holy Times are abolifhî.d and ceafed. The fifth Thing remaining to be fpoken to, is the Priefihood, or the whole Legal Miniftry. Ofthe Priefthood and Legal Miniftrywe may confider. I. The feveral forts or kinds of them. 2. Their Maintenance. t. As to the firft, There were three forts and Degrees of Temple- Officers. 1. ThePries%s, the chief of which was the High-Prieft. 2. The Levites, 3. TheNethinims. Now firft of the Priefthood: Three Do&rines are obvious before us in the Words: Dok. s. That Jefiu Chrift the Son of God is the great High Priest, of whom the Priefts under the Lawwere but Types andShadows. Do&. a. That he is paffed into the Heavens, as the High Prieft ofold did into the holy Places madewith Hands, fo Christ into Heaven it flf. Do`t. 3. That our havingloch an High Priefl under the Gofpel, fhouldbe an effellual Motive to Believers to holdfaft their Profdion. R r 2 As